Chapter 1: A Warriors Welcome

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Previously On A Mandalorian In Chaldea

????: Tell me warrior of a galaxy far far away would you be willing to help save humanity?

(y/n): If it's a chance to fight for a cause that I can get behind then I am willing to after all what Mandalorians do best is fight.

????: Welcome to the Throne of hero's I wish you success in your future endeavors

First Person Pov

(y/n): * How long have I been here consumed by this darkness it feels like a entirety? The voice told me about being welcomed into the Throne of Hero's but I am no hero I kill for a reason outsiders would find righteous. Could my fellow Mandalorians have viewed me as one? Maybe but there were those who would have been better choices then me. But still what has happened for me to have a opportunity like this. Will I be able to live up to those expectations given to me by those new people I meet.*

(y/n): Wait if there is going to be new people my stories and jokes will be funny like if it was the first time it was told. And most importantly maybe I will be able to do something I could not do before have a hot girlfriend not that I could not before I just was not interested in that before because of the war. I remember something Pre told me about finding my other half.


Past Pre: Look if you ever find yourself thinking about getting a girlfriend or wife keep in mind the first line of the Mandalorian Code.

(y/n): What is the first line of the code?

Past Pre: If she's breathes she's a thot!!

Bo can be heard screaming from the camp

(y/n): I don't think that's the right code.

Past Pre: Yeah my bad it's bro before hoes

A explosion can be heard coming from camp Saxon is seen flying while on fire and explodes in the sky

(y/n): I still think that is not the correct one even if I don't know what it is.

Past Pre: I got it now remember this when deciding Strength, Honor, Loyalty and they know when to embrace Death. So if she is not strong, honorable, loyal, and or embrace full of  death, this is the way to know and  do not even think about her then if she is not all or even one of these since she is not worthy of your attention.

(y/n): Alright thanks for the advice

Past Pre: Of course my head is full of knowledge and wisdom

Ironic wording right?

Flashback Ends

(y/n): *Yeah if the rest of his followers saw that side of him I don't think they would ever take him seriously.*

In Chaldea

In Chaldea

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