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Athena Rowle

I answered right on the first questions.

"10 points to Slytherin, that question was hard."

I heard Hermione mutter in the back of the class. "It wasn't even hard."

I turned around.

"Is miss mudblood jealous?"

"Shove off Athena!"

"It's Rowle for you and you don't raise your voice at me!"

"Please Rowle, stop!" Harry said.

"Aw, are mister 'No parents' going to help you?"

"Enough! I want silence!" Flitwick shouted.

I turned around smiling. I looked over to Draco and Adrian who were laughing their butt's off.
I smiled and looked at professor Flitwick.

The class ended and I picked my books and stepped out of the classroom. Pansy came running up to me.

"I heard you, Hermione and Potter had a fight?"

"How the hell did you get that information so quick?" I chuckled.

"Do you know Draco Malfoy?" She laughed and I started to laugh too.

We continued down the hall and met up the other boys.

"What do y'all have?" Mattheo asked.

"History of magic." Pansy said.

We found out Adrian, Draco and Blaise also had that.

"Well I have potions." I said looking down to the floor.

"I have Charms, see you!" Mattheo said and started to run where I came from.

The other walked away except for Tom.

"I have potions too."

I smiled and we walked together to the class. Snape glared at us with a special sort of glare, I almost got worried. I walked over to my table and surprisingly Tom sat his butt down on the chair next to me. I looked at his perfectly formed jaw, wow.

"You know I can feel when you're staring at me right?" He said turning up to me.

Fucking shit. I was shocked and my face turned as red as a Gryffindor tie. I didn't say anything.

The lesson continued, me and Tom answered every other question. It started to get funny. But when Snape said that it was time for us to work by our own I shook the smile off and started to write.

Tom stared at me.

"Please Riddle, what are you staring at?"

"What were you really doing last night?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I said-"

"I don't believe you."

"Then that's your problem."

"You need to stop talk to me with this attitude."

"And who do you think you are talking to?"

"Do you know who you are talking to darling?"

Darling. Why did that made me so happy? Fuck.

"I have an attitude to whoever I want."

"Meet me in the library at 11." He said than walked out.

I haven't even realized Snape said the class was over. I took my books and started to head out.

"Rowle." Snape shouted but still in his low tone.


"Do you know why both you and Riddle were sneaking around in the library last night?"

I got shocked. My body went to ice. Were both of us there? What was HE doing there? I said to Snape that I didn't knew and then I stormed out of the classroom. I was surprisingly shocked by how affected I got by the thing Snape said. Why was I that shocked?
Pansy tried to speak to my the whole day. But I was like a stone. Something happened to me. I told Pansy that I was going to skip my last two classes and that I wasn't hungry for lunch. I took my clothes off, I was thinking a nap would be great for my head. And for that freaking meeting I have with Riddle later.
I started to slowly fall asleep.

His hands traveled down to my ass. He squeezed it and continued the kiss. How a man can be that great at kissing is sick. He lifted me to the the bed. He held my wrists in a hard grip over my head. He started to kiss down to my neck slowly. He left more hickeys than I thought a person could leave. I started to mina. I knew that turned him on even more.
"You like that don't you, little girl liking when I mark her mine."
I rubbed his back with my nails since he had no shirt on.
He released from the kiss admiring my body.
He pointed at my body.
"This is all mine, don't make me put my name on it."
I chuckled and he started to unbuckle his belt.
"You sure, cause there is no way going back now."
I nodded and he dragged off my panties aggressively.

"Oi Athena! Wake the fuck up!" Pansy shouted.

I sat up and opened my eyes. Pansy stood there.

"Really girl?"

"What? I was tired like a bloody zombie."

I walked up and went to the bathroom.

"No Athe-"

"O shit!" I said turning back and hide my body only wearing black lace underwear.

Mattheo was in our bathroom. Fuck, he will never forget that trust me. I quickly grabbed the biggest hoodie I own.

"We thought you were with Tom."


The meeting.

I quickly put on a black short skirt and a more cropped hoodie. I stormed out with Pansy and Mattheo laughing at me.

I walked with quick steps on my way to the library to meet him.

Only for you ~ Tom Marvolo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now