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Athena Rowle

Fuck. He will kill me. He will say Avada Kedavra within five seconds.

"Riddle-" I started in complete panic.

"Stop, I don't want to here why. What did you read?"

I pointed at the open diary. He looked down and saw his own words. He smirked.

"Oh, those things."

"You want me?"

He looked at me. And sat next to me. He grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him.

"Was it that hard to understand?"

I smiled and kissed him. He kissed me back. I released it.

In a heartbeat we were in his room. He was on top of me, non of us had clothes on. He admired me, every part of me. He gave me devlish smirk than he started to kiss my neck. I closed my eyes knowing my neck would be blue tomorrow but I didn't care right now. He went lower and I started to moan more and more. How does this man knows everything I like. He looked at me asking for permission. I nodded and by that he was inside. "Oh" escaped from my mouth. He went quicker and quicker. He moan a bit too and he came. I saw on him that he wouldn't stop until I came. He kept on going. And after some minutes I did. I came for my first time. Lets say this, he was better than Draco on everything.
As we both imagined he collapsed over me and we both breathed heavy breaths.
"You read it and I'm going to say it."
"You are mine."
I smiled and kissed him. I felt so happy at that point.

Months went by. Tom and I talked as usual, but he kind of got meaner to me. No one knew about the thing we did two months ago. I didn't think about it that much, we slept with each other, thats it.

"Athena! I've talked to Blaise!" Pansy bursted out when she opened the door.
I immediatley sat up and listened.

"I told him that we needed to talk. He agreed and we went in to his dorm. I kind of said that I wondered why he was mad, me and Mattheo is not a thing. We have kissed yes, but I will never have the same feelings for him that I have for you. He smiled and hugged me. He kind of said everything he felt and we are kind of dating now."

I was so happy for her. I smiled my butt off and I was shocked at the same time.

"Damn, I can't even explain how happy I am for you Pans."

I smiled and hugged me.

We both fell asleep and this was probably the first time I fell asleep without Tom on my mind. If he wants me, show it. I'm not a fucking dog that is going to chaise him. Fuck no.

The next morning when we walked in to great hall. Everyone stared at me. Fuck off, what have happened now?
I ate my breakfast having everyone staring at me. It killed me.

"Okay so why are you all filthy people looking at huh?"

"Miss Rowle."

I turned around to see Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore, is there anything you want from me?"

"Can we have little talk in my office now?"

I nodded and walked after him. What have I done now. Have I been to loud about my mudblood hate? No, not more than usual. What can it be?

We arrived at his office.


I took a seat. I've never been this worried before.



"Your father-"

"What is it with him?" I said with pure panic.


"He what? TELL ME!" I yelled.

"He is azkaban."

My heart dropped. I felt my eyes water. And in a second my tears rolled down my cheeks. I've never cried in front of anyone before.

"C-can I go now?"

He nodded. I opened the door and ran as fast as I could away from everything. I ran past Pansy and the others.

"Athena wait!" She yelled and ran after me. Tom did the same.

I ran up to the astronomy tower and I collapsed on the floor. I couldn't breathe. I just cried my breaths away.

"Hey hey Athena!" Pansy said.

She couldn't control me. After a while Tom came.

"I don't know what to do, she can't breathe. She is having a panicattack."

"Go away, I will fix it."

Pansy walked away with no doubt because she was too afraid to talk back to Tom.

He grabbed my body and made me look in to his eyes.

"You need to listen to me for the first time eve okay?"

"Breathe in when I say in and out when I say out okay?"


I tried to obey every word of his.


He kept on going till I breathed fine. I layed on his lap and he stroke his hand over my hair. When he saw that I got more calm he hugged me.

"H-he is in A-Azkaban." I stuttered.


"M-my father."

He hugged me tightly and started slowly swing from side to side. I fell asleep in his arms. He made me feel so safe. It could've been fire all around us but I felt safe.

In his arms. Tom Riddles arms.

Only for you ~ Tom Marvolo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now