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Athena Rowle

While I waited I looked at the beautiful view from the Tower. Wow. I heard footsteps behind me.

"Athena?" It was Harry who called me.

They came. "Hi Harry!"

I smiled. Hermione and Ron came up to me too.

We talked for a few minutes. The clock hit 7:58PM. "Look what I learned." I said and mumbled Periculum.

A big red firework exploded in the sky. I bet everyone in the magic world saw it, that was the point.

"Wow Athena, that is beautiful."

The clock hit 8PM. I heard footsteps behind me. We all four turned around to see Tom, Blaise, Draco and Mattheo with their wands pointed at me.

"Hey love." Tom said to me.

"Leave her alone!" Harry shouted putting his wand out.

"It's okay Harry put your wand down." I said making him put it down.

"I can handle them by my own."

"Fumos!" I pointed my wand at them and a huge smoke cloud appeared and the four of them was no longer visable.

"Stay here." I walked in to the smoke.

I met Tom in the smoke cloud.

Harry Potter

Athena walked in to the smoke. I hope she is okay. What if they kill her? No they wont. She is much stronger than them. She will figure this out. I trust her.

It took a while before I saw siluettes. Not one, but five. The first thing that came out from the smoke was a wand, a familiar one. Athenas. The wand pointed at us then her whole body was visible. Behind her four more bodies with the wands pointed at us appeared.

Athena Rowle

I stepped out of the smoke with my wand pointed at the three of them. I felt so alive at that moment. Behind me my boyfriend and the three others pointed their wands in the same direction as me.

I smirked when I met their eyes.

"You really believed me yeah?" I said and walked closer and closer to them.

"You really thought that I was going to let my family and all the people I love down?"

They were speechless.

"You really thought that I left the dark side?" I said dragging my sleeve up and showing them my dark mark.

"You really thought that I didn't have a plan?"

Still not a word from them.

"You really trusted me. I completely manipulated you. The three "heroes" of Hogwarts. Now they are standing here speechless against the dark side." Everytime I said a sentence we all stepped one step closer to them.

"Oh are miss mudblood, mister blood traitor and scarhead scared now huh?"

The three of them picked up their wands.

"Too late, look up. The war has begun."

They looked up and saw how the sky went dark. And by that all the death eaters was just meters away.

We started to laugh at them. How stupid They were to believe me.

"You are truly persuasive." Tom whispered in my ear. I smirked and kissed him quickly.

"Draco? Mattheo?"

They nodded. "Petrificus Totalus!" We shouted together. The three people in front of us got paralysed and couldn't move. They fell to the floor unable to do a thing.

Me, Mattheo and Tom ran away and told Blaise and Draco to take care of them.

The three of us ran down and saw how Hogwarts was under attack. We met up with the death eater army and stormed in to the great hall.

They all got shocked when we stormed in. Bellatrix laughed as usually.

I met the eyes of Albus Dumbledore. His look showed fear and disappointment. I lied to him, making him told the whole school to take a day off not knowing that the attack would happened hours later.

Then the war began.

Spells were shooted everywere. Bodies were flying from the right to the left. I saw how Molly Weasley and Bellatrix had a hard battle. Mattheo ran to help his mother.

I saw Dumbledore disappear into a room. I ran after him by my own. This man was quick, how old is he? 200?

But at the end we came up to a tower. He turned around to see me with my wand pointed at him.

"Hello there, I told you that the attack wouldn't come today didn't I?"

"Why would you lie to us?"

"I was chosen, and I will never leave the dark side headmaster." I showed him the dark mark on my forearm. I was proud.

Proud of my work to manipulate everysingle person at Hogwarts.

"Athena, you don't have to do this." He tried to convince me.

"Don't try it headmaster. We can't take over the wizarding world with you still around."


"Avada Kedavra!" I pointed my wand at the old man. He got hit by my spell and fell down from the tower. I killed Albus Dumbledore. Headmaster of Hogwarts.

I started to slowly walk away but a voice stopped me.

"How dare you?"

I turned back to see Hermione Granger.

"You are as evil as the Voldemort! What is wrong with you?"

I smirked. "Crucio!"
She fell to the ground screaming. It was like I relived my dream a week ago. I put my foot on her head. And leaned down to her head.

"As long as WE are around, the wizarding world will never let any mudblood get any power."

Then I walked away leaving her screaming in pain.

If she has escaped from the Astronomy Tower. SHIT! HARRY POTTER!

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