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Athena Rowle

"We understand Athena. It's okay." Harry said rubbing my back.

They went to the Gryffindor common room and I went back to the Slytherin house. I didn't feel comfortable there anymore. I walked in and the first thing that happened was someone grabbing my shoulders and pressing my hard against the wall making my feet leave the ground.
It was Draco.

"Are you going to let us down? You fucking pathetic slut. Ugly little blood traitor."

I screamed for help. And by a heartbeat he was here. He told Draco to put me down. He obeyed immediatley. I ran away to my dorm and just covered myself in my sheets. I didn't want to see anyone. Not even Pansy.

I got called a blood traitor. For the death eaters that was as bad as a mudblood. I cried myself to sleep that night knowing what will happened tomorrow.

I woke up stressed knowing what Dumbledore will say at breakfast in the great hall.

Me and Pansy got ready, she tried to speak to me but I was quiet. She got frustrated of course, her bestfriend is ignoring her.

We got in to great hall. I knew I couldn't skip this breakfast. This particular breakfast.
I sat myself down beside Blaise with Pansy on the opposite of me. Next to me on the left sat Adrian. I wasn't close to Tom, Draco or Mattheo.

Dumbledore started to speak. He said what I was afraid he would say.

"I'm afraid to annouce that at least six death eaters have escaped from Azkaban earlier this morning."

I looked down not wanting to meet anyones eyes because everyone knew that my dad was in Azkaban and that he most likely also escaped.

"We need to work together. They can be here at any point. Take care of yourselves and always have your wand on. And to those people who might think of helping them, don't let us down."

Everyone started to whisper to each other. I closed my eyes when he said the last things. I ran out of great hall making everyone look at me. Harry, Hermione and Ron came after me. And so did Tom.

Harry hugged me while I cried. "They will kill me, they will kill me first."

Hermione and Ron tried to making me stop cry.

Tom ran towards us.

"I can handle this." I said releasing from Harrys hug.

I walked up to Tom. "Athena, I-"

"Stop with this shit now Tom. I'm in deep trouble. My life is on the line. And you just standing here. Saying nothing, just waisting my time while I should probably hide."

"Athena I just wanted to say-"

"Leave me alone. And by the way, you can open that fucking letter today if you want to."

Then I walked away with the golden trio walking after me.

Tom Riddle

I wanted to open it the same second she said I could but me, Draco and Mattheo needed to go to the Malfoy Manor now, and explain that we don't have the plan.

We arrived very nervous, all three. If Athena was here she would've calmed me down.

We walked in. I saw my dad smiling. Why the hell were he smiling?
Then I saw my mom. She ran up to me and Mattheo. "My sons." We hugged each other for a long time.

Then I saw Thorfinn, Athenas dad, he looked almost impressed. We took our seats. Me and Draco forced Mattheo to say it.

"Father, before you say anything. I'm sorry but we don't have a plan. We don't know how you will come in. I'm sorry that we let you down." Mattheo said.

"I don't care son. A death eater has already fixed everything. The plan is done and we know what to do. You three just got to be ready tomorrow. Because one death eater has fixed everything by their own."

We looked at each other in pure shock. Who? And will they kill Athena now? She let them down, my love will get killed.

Anyways we got back to Hogwarts. Then I realized. The letter, I can read the letter now.

I ran to my dorm and picking it up. I opened it slowly.

It wasn't as long as I thought. I thought it would be a full page of just reasons why she left us, why left me.

I started to read. The thing that I just read was more shocking than I could've ever imagine. I smirked. The smirk grew in to smile. And the smile went bigger and bigger. I read the letter at least ten times. The letter said:

Trust me.

Everything is a part of my plan.

Take Draco and Mattheo with you to the Astronomy Tower tomorrow at 8PM.

Trust me Tom.

I love you for infinity.

Don't forget that.

/ Athena Rowle

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