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Tom Riddle
She was late. I got mad. Like really mad. I don't know why I got that mad.
But then she walked through those doors with her books in her hands. Her blonde hair moved perfectly when she walked against me, her hips moved from side to side like she was on a fucking runway, sexy indeed. Her big, pink lips formed a smirk when she saw me staring.

"Can you admit now that you stare at me more than I do at you?"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. Then I became serious.

"You are late."


"If you were a guy I would punch that smirk off of you."

"Do it, I'm not scared."

"You starting something you can't finish Rowle."

"Sounds fun, Tommy."

"Call that again and I will-"

"What will you do Tommy? Choke me?"

My eyes widened. If she only knew.
She smiled and sat down at the chair next to mine. We started to study. She is damn smart. She helped me, the first person to ever do that. She laughed at me a few times. Shit, why am I playing soft. I'm Tom Marvolo Riddle, son of the dark lord.

Athena Rowle
Not going to lie, it was fun. He was funnier than I expected. But then Snapes words popped up in my head.

"I heard you were sneaking around in the library, what were you doing?"

He looked at me. "Who told you that?"


"It's time to go." He snapped picking up his books.

"Answer me first."

He rised from the chair and slowly started to walk.


I got interrupted by a cold hand around my neck. I could feel his rings pressing hard onto my skin. His eyes looked my soul right in the eye. It felt like he could see all my thoughts and basically my whole life. His eyes showed anger.
A devilish anger that I couldn't help but be attracted of.

"If you don't stop this fucking sluty attitude against me you will fucking see a side of me you never thought you will see."

I smirked. Knowing that would make him even more angry. His grip tightened and my ability to breathe got harder.

"You will realize soon why you shouldn't have acted like this." And with that he stormed off.

I started to breath normally again when he released his hands. I was shocked. I snapped and understood that I was all alone and needed to go back. I picked up my books quickly and ran out. I walked in to the common room and then to mine and Pansys dorm.
She was asleep. Thank god.
I throwd my clothes away and fell asleep the same second I covered myself in my sheets.

I felt his belt around my neck. He smirked at me. He grabbed my chin and stared me right in the eye with those dark, devilish, piercing eyes.
"Are you my little doll?"
I nodded. His smirk grew.
"I'm not done with you until you scream for me to stop, I hope you understand that."
I got more and more turned on by every word he said. By a heart beat every inch of him was inside of me. I let out a groan. I wasn't ready for that size to be honest.
"I'm inpressed, you feel fucking amazing."
I moaned like a slut. Which I kind of was, HIS slut. The way he looked when he fucked me was breathtaking. Everything from his nails digging in to the skin of my hips to the sweat on his forehand. He grabbed on of my hands and pressed it onto my stomach.
I got shocked.
"You feel that yeah? That's all me."
I smirked and nodded. He made me speechless. I couldn't say a word, the only thing I was capable of was moaning. It was perfect, all of it. I came for the first time in my life. He came before me but wanted me to cum. What a guy. I screamed and begged him to stop when I couldn't handle more. He moaned as he collapsed over me. I laughed cupping his cheeks. I could stay here forever.

I snapped out of the dream. Looking at the clock, in time, wow Athena. Why would I keep getting these dreams. The thing is a know exactly who it is. And that's fucking with my head. Why would I dream about him?
I woke Pansy up. We both got ready, looking like two baddies as always, and walked out of the dorm. I made myself stop thinking about the dream, that is one thing I'm hella good at.
We took our place with the boys and started to chat.
"So Athena, why were you moaning so much in your sleep?" Pansy asked me.

My face turned red.

"She was probably reliving our sex." Draco said, of course he needed to say that.

"You didn't even make me cum so shove off."

The boys and Pansy started to laugh but Draco got mad. I smirked, me and comebacks is just a perfect match.

After breakfast on our way to the first lesson Mattheo out of all people came up to me.

"You should probably cover up Toms choke marks on your neck before more people sees it." The he walked away.

My eyes widened and my face went red for like the hundredth time this year. Shit.

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