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Harry POV:

I woke up back in my closet under the stairs. Weird. I thought I was with Draco. My Neko tail and ears had disappeared and I had nothing to comfort me.

"Get up Boy!!" Came the angry yelling of Vernon. The clock read 9:00 am. Damn. I must have over slept. I am so in trouble. I was supposed to have breakfast ready and be on my chores by now!!!

I guess my inheritance and Draco were a beautiful dream. Tears run down my face. Here comes the beating of a life time, I have never over slept before how could I do it now? I want Draco, the mansion, Narcissia and my neko instincts to come back to me. I want to feel their unconditional love for me again. But here I am.

Draco POV:

"Come on Harry wake up" the doctors said there is nothing wrong apart from the meds and this is just his bodies way of protecting him. But his neko hates it. His neko wants me and I cannot be there with him. How I want him back in his conscious form. It has been a day and nothing, my Veela has been trying to reach out but I have gotten nothing back from him except his pheromones keep changing one minute they are scared the next there is nothing for me. I need him conscious with me so I can comfort him.

Anytime his scared pheromones come out my Veela reaches out. I have to do my research on this I need to know if there is anything I can do to help him...

Harry POV:

The beating has been going on for hours now it must nearly be dinner time so I am guessing nearly all day. I cannot believe that I haven't passed out yet - although that never really gets me anywhere. My mind goes back to my beautiful dream but the start was terrifying. I believe it is about to happen again. I want Draco. I want him to save me but I know that he hates me. His family would kill me.

Maybe it is better that Vernon just kills me now. Takes me away from the world. Nobody wanted me here anyway. Nobody cares.

The analogy's would probably throw a party 'the chosen ones dead!' they would all cheer. Come on death please nobody wants me and it appears you don't either.

Dracos POV:

Harry's pheromones changed to a craving for his dominant. No the sexual kind but he wants me with him. He is missing me.

As a Veela I can apparently connect with him and go inside his brain in extreme circumstances? I'm not sure what to take from that but all I know it that the longer he is out the more my Veela is getting worried it is like he is giving up without me there.

HE CANNOT GIVE UP! I need him as selfish as that sounds! HE IS MINE! I just got him.

This has to be an extreme circumstance this has to be one that I can get inside his brain.

"Don't give up Harry, please, Harry I need you".

Harry POV:

" Harry" "ease" "need you" something is breaking through to me. It sounds like Draco but everyone knows he hates me. The great Malfoy-Potter feud. Ha Draco actually trying to save me from anything is Ridiculous. No one would try to save me once I served my purpose. I am completely alone now.

"Your mate will" what? Who was that all I know is that Vernon is doing unspeakable things to me. The same thing that I thought Draco might try to do to me. I acted innocent around him in my beautiful dream but I know everything he was trying to do to me. I know that he wanted to love me but how is doing this to someone showing love this is unspeakable pain right here. No one could ever do this to me and I would like it.

I just thought that he could have changed my mind slightly. That he would care.

"We do care Harry" the voice is back but it is only Vernon and I here. Nobody cares it was only for that 9 hour dream I got that somebody did care about me and no one ever will now. Why won't Vernon kill me. I want to be dead.

"No you don't Harry please hold on it wasn't..." the voice is cut off. I was right my mind is coming up with the illusion that someone did care and that they wanted me to survive also maybe that they were here to save me from this horrible man.

Draco's POV:

I lost the connection. My Veela was talking to him listening to him. He is reliving the worst day of his life because his body couldn't handle a small amount of food being put into his system. So this is what he was dreaming all along. But he thinks his life is a dream. A beautiful dream. How? He may have hated me at first but here I am and I knew his neko and my Veela made sure he was happy to be safe and with me.

He wants to give up and for someone to end it. Since the connection is lost he probably feels like it was an illusion and nobody really wanted to help him. I'm trying again he cannot go just as I have gotten him into my life...

Harry's POV:

The beating is over and now I am just limp on the floor.

"Harry focus on me. Come towards my voice, let me help you" the voice is back.

"Death?" I whisper out almost silently but no reply. As expected. I edge to where it was and I am just wrapped in silk. A peaceful death then. Thank goodness. I can finally slip away from Vernon from everyone here.

I feel like I am on a cloud. Is this heaven?

"Rry, Harry, Harry" A soft voice calls. The voice from my beautiful dream. Draco's voice. I really am in heaven here.

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