Keeping Distance

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Narcissia POV:
As Harry inspected the bed I noticed that he avoided Draco's Jumpers that I had left there. Normally the submissive goes crazy over the dominants scent, but Harry was avoiding them. Draco must have really terrified him. I felt so bad for him.

"Narcissa?" came a small voice.

"Yes Harry" I replied.

"Can I go and get my pillow from the Dursley's?"

The fact that he said the Dursley's and not home didn't go unnoticed. "I went to get all your stuff when Draco was called, it was pretty obvious that you two were going to be mates. I also got the custody papers signed and you shall not be going back to them."

"Oh really?" He seemed like he was going to cry.

"Yes it's all in Dracos room" He backed into the corner. " Do you want me to go and get it for you?" I questioned.

"Yes I do, please" He was so cute. I went to Dracos room to get some of Harry's stuff. I should have known he would want something to comfort him. As I entered I noticed that Draco was hugging one of Harry's stuffies. It was cute but I needed to focus on getting Harry comfortable.

"Mother please, I need to see him. My veela won't even talk to me for the way I acted . I need to know he is alright. I need to comfort him. I need him to be here with me. I'm begging you!" He had tears in his eyes.

"Draco listen to me. Your veela is right to be angry with you right now. You don't understand that your mate is currently huddled up in a corner and won't even go near your scent. He is terrified of you and you being upset with him and yelling again is going to make him more upset than he already is. He needs to be comforted right now and the only thing that is going to do that is his pillow that you have seen him carry around when he thought no one was looking. Remember the one you used to make fun of him for carrying, so he stopped all together. He already knows that he has upset his dominant and is scared out of his mind and doesn't know what to do, he is in a new house where he was once tortured with a mate who is angry at him and a woman he barley knows"

"Why can't i just see him even if i am nice"

"Draco just give him until dinner, just to settle in then i will let you see him but you have to be careful what you say he asked me if he could go back to the Dursley's" it wasn't a total lie but it wasn't all truthful.

"Fine until dinner, but then I am going to see him straight away."

"Of course my darling now give me his pillow."

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