Safe Rules

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Draco's POV:

"Harry, baby" I whispered as his eyes were closing. Still in his cat form - I won't let him sleep like this. He could have a lot of trouble coming back after a nap like this, especially since he has recently changed.

"Mmmm" he purred sleepily.

"You need to change back to my little Harry to sleep otherwise it could be very painful to change after your sleep" I whispered in his ear. He hissed a bit so I lightly growled back as a warning but not enough to scare him. He leaped off my lap and rolled into a blanket and changed as he would be naked. A laugh slipped my lips - luckily he didn't hear me he would have been mad.

I saw the tiny kitten change to a human form and went to his ear to whisper "You don't have to hide hunny, i'm going to eventually see you naked" I smirked. He choked on his own spit after that and I laughed again.

"Draco stop it now" he tried to growl but it came out as a small hiss. It was cute.

"I'll say that as long as I want as that is going to happen better sooner than later"

"Not now so stop and please get me some clothes" as I scooped him up, he wasn't prepared and a flash of panic crossed his face. I lightly purred in Harry's ear which calmed him down enough to snuggle into my chest. I don't want to let this moment pass.

Harry POV

Draco is so annoying. So he apologies and then makes me as red as a tomato. Sometimes I really hate having a dominant other - don't let him know I said that I would be in so much trouble.

Anyways I was cradled into Draco's chest and we were in the closet in his room, yet he hasn't put me down yet.

"Draco please put me down I wanna get changed" I spoke in an annoyed voice.

"Manners baby" He said in an annoyed voice back to me. UGH.

"Please" He set me on the floor and stood by the door.

"I'm not going to change in front of you"

"You will one day" He mumbled and exited the room closing the door on the way out. I looked around the closet and chose one of his hoodies which was huge on me and a pair of my grey jogging bottoms - they are sooo comfy.

As I exited Draco scooped me up from behind and said "You look so hot in my jumper" and playfully growled into my ear. He sat on his bed with me in his lap. I took in the room around me and noticed that all my stuff was here. He must have gone to get it whilst I was in the closet. I also took note of the silver, green and black colours. That will have to change.

"Now baby, I have a few rules for you to follow so that you can be safe. We can change some if you feel the need to but there are some I won't budge on Okay?"

"Okay" I mumbled in response.

"Number one: Always listen to me.
Number two: Always tell me what's wrong because you know I can tell if you aren't feeling right
Number three: Never under any circumstance will you lie to me okay - I need to know the truth to keep you safe from everything.
And finally,
Number four: If there is anything you are uncomfortable with me doing in the bedroom you must tell me but you will have a safe word as I can be kinky" As he said the final part his hand was massaging my thigh causing me to shiver what his to breath on my neck.

"What do you mean by the last part?" I questioned. He just laughed.

"Oh my your innocent, you will find out I good time love" this made me curious and scared I wanna know now.

I put on a pouty face and he chuckled. I am still tired and his hand on my thigh is making me feel weird.

"Baby, don't get excited you need to sleep and I won't be able to control myself" what?

He picked my up and placed me under the duvet. "Draco I need my pillow or I won't sleep, also your room freaks me out"

"I will get your pillow and how does my room freak you out?" He began searching through my stuff from my other room for my pillow.

"It's to slytheriny"


"The colours, I find them creepy" he place the pillow behind where I was sitting under the covers.

"Mmm, do you find me creepy?" His face was so close. His sent was making me submit to him.

"No of course not" he was now leaning over me as I was on my pillow. He was letting out calming pheromones. What was I saying? Hazy ness was taking over my vision. Something warm was against my forehead as I slipped into a sleepy landscape...

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