Run and Hide?

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Draco POV:

"Heaven" is all I catch from Harry's mumbling. His Neko has connected with my Veela and has settled both of us.

"Harry, baby, your not in heaven" I whispered into his ear.

"I'm in Hell" his breathing increases.

"No, baby, you are alive please open your eyes" slowly he peels his eyes open and takes in where he actually is. What I want to know is why he was reliving the worst day of his life when his body was in recovery. So I ask him.

"Before you came into my life I wanted to die. That was the best day of my life. Ron and Hermione left me alone after I killed Voldemort and Ginny broke up with me so it kind of ruined the illusion I was in. Don't get me wrong I am still good friends with Ron and Hermione but they left me in the low point of my life." He told me.

"That was a good point in your life! Geez good thing I found you because I am never letting you go" he giggled. "Was it true your monologue in there?"

"I don't know what you mean?" He said pretending to be innocent again.

"That you are pretending to be innocent?"


"Harry..." I pull out his name on the y to get him to tell me the truth or a punishment may be in order...

"Okay, yes I was pretending but I just don't see the pleasure in the act all I've known is pain"

"That's because you weren't with me. Haven't you ever pleasured yourself"


"Okay, you know you will go into heat soon right?"

"Right" he said quickly

"You know what will happen during that time don't you?"


"You will crave my touch everywhere on you. It will feel like lava in your veins until I come and... help you. If you don't want my help that is fine but we will both be in pain. If you do want my help then I will give it to you. But only when you know how to pleasure yourself first" I smirked. "But once you know how to do it you aren't to do it without my permission like in the rules or you will be punished and more importantly I want to and am willing to help my little submissive Neko with all your troubles" my smirk grew when I realised he was quite flustered.

Harry POV:

He knew what he was doing to me. Of course he did. I was trying not to squirm too much.

"I'm sorry Draco but I cannot ever see myself craving... well that" I state because I seriously cannot. Coming from a rough background, I cannot ever see myself being that needy for sex.

"Oh you will. Once I touch you, you won't want anyone else but me" I don't want anyone I general. I cannot see myself wanting him...

He gets up and goes over to his book shelf and pulls off a book.

"This is a book on mates read chapter 6" he instructed me. So I open the book to the correct page which is ironically 69 and the chapter is called heat and what happens. Skinning over the page I see that what he said was correct that I won't be able to resist his touch. This terrified me but I didn't show it. At least I tried not to. "See you will want me". We will just see.

I needed to get away for a minute and told him that I needed the bathroom. He let me up but stood outside the door waiting. After a couple of minutes I discovered a tiny gap in the wall that my cat could get to and I needed to go and see Narcissia. I knew she could comfort me. I know Draco could as well but I am a bit overwhelmed.

I flushed the toilet and turned on the tap then changed into my cat and made a run for the wall. I could hear Draco through the door.

"Harry, are you done?" When there was no reply he continued but it all became muffled to me as I legged it back to Narcissias quarters.

Once I was in I kept into her bed and she began stroking my fur. She left the door open as she knew I might need it.

"Harry?" She seemed surprised. "Are you okay? Has he scared you?" I meow back. She began to question why when we heard a bang then a roar eco through the house. I jumped and ran under the bed.

Thundering footsteps came bursting into the room and I can sense how angry his Veela is. I knew I shouldn't have run but he overwhelms me and slightly scares me. He gives me emotions I am unaware of.

"Mother is he in here" his voice was desperate.

"Maybe..." Narcissia trails off. She gets off the bed and carefully approaches him. "What were you discussing?"


"Draco were you genital because he is freaking out you know his past." She exclaimed.

"Yes but I got defensive when he said he doesn't think that he will crave my touch and sees no pleasure in the act. I know I should have handled it better but he has to stop running from me. I want to be there for him and he won't let me" he rants.

"Draco you know what happened to him. He won't see any pleasure until you show him differently" this is awkward. "But you know how angry you get and your past he won't feel safe straight away" he grumbles at this.

"Where is he?" He questioned.

"Under the bed I will leave please be gental!" She says as she exited the room. Draco crouches down and peers under the bed.

"Harry I can see you" I try to curl into myself more. "I'm sorry I freaked you out. Please come out. I didn't mean to I will try and be better I know you are not used to being submissive but I does hurt when you run to my mother and not to me." I feel so bad.

I creep out from under the bed and he picks me up. Oh déjà vu . We go back to his room.

Once I have changed back he gives me one of his hoodies. I made sure he didn't look.

"Alright now ask me anything you want to know about this subject. Because I will crave you as much as you crave me..."

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