Multiverse Breaks

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"Mystic Falls is my home." Damon read out of Stefan's diary. "hmm. weirdo." Stefan was not expecting Damon, so when Stefan arrived from school he felt a horrible presence. Sure enough, Damon comes walking in. They both exhange a scowl. "Hello brother." says Damon, breaking the silence. Stefan looks at him with beaming eyes, "What are you doing here, Damon?" Damon lets out an evil chuckle. "Does it matter? Just came to visit my favorite brother" *winks and lets out a smile* "Fine, lets just say I might have found a lady friend" says Damon. "Damon you know you can't be here. Everywhere you go, you cause chaos." Stefan says worrily. Suddenly their discussion is inturrupted by a knock at the door. Damon opens the door. "Hi, I'm Elena Gilbert." Elena smiles. "Is Stefan here?" Damon stands in shock, thinking she's an old lover, Katherine Pierce. Just as Damon is about to say the name Katherine, Stefan jumps in. "Elena! Hey. Didn't expect you here." Stefan pushes Damon out of the way. "Yea, I should've called, I brought Care and Bonnie." Elena says happily. Damon pushes Stefan out of the way. "Hello, Damon here, Stefan's older brother, just would like you to know that we're in the middle of an argument here." Damon says frantically still trying to process what the hell is going on. Elena looks at him with puppy eyes. "Oh. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to inerrupt" Damon scoffs and shuts the door. The 3 girls stay in place. Stefan opens the door. "I'm sorry, come in." The 3 girls walk in the house and look around. "I'm sorry about Damon he can be a real dic-" Stefan gets cut off by a huge rumbing. They all run to the living room. Damon shouts "What the hell is going on?!" Before anyone could answer they're all sucked up into the sky.

----Avengers tower----
"J.A.R.V.I.S. I need visuals on those two Maximoff kids, they're both gifted with some type of power." Says Mr.Stark. "Y/N!! Get in here." he yells loudly enough for the whole tower to hear. "Coming" you yell. "What is it dad? What do you need?" you say sheepishly. "These two, twins, orphaned, in hydra, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff" He says with a straight face. "I need to know mor-" You cut him off "Your ball of protection killed their parents." You say quietly. Tony stays quiet for a moment. "Didn't know that." He says with a guilty voice. "Anyways, I need you and Cap to go to their location and bring them in, I think we could really use there help." You leave the lab and look for Cap. "Hey dad told me to tell you that we have to go get the Maximoff twins." Cap rolls his eyes and grunts. "Alright." You both get to the location and look around. "Anything?" Says Cap. "Nothing" You answer. You see a red glowing ball in the corner of your eye. You turn around and get blasted off. You lay there still trying to act dead. Wanda Maximoff walks up to you and says quietly "No, no, no, no, no, I'm so sorry, no, this wasn't supposed to happen" Wanda starts panicking. You take hold of her arm and manage to get on top of her. "Nice try, you'd need a bit more power to kill me" You wrap her hands so she won't do anything. Cap comes back after a few minutes with Pietro Maximoff. You yawn "It was about time" you pick Wanda up and start walking towards the car. When you arrive to the compound you see a blue light in the sky. You point and just as you're about to say something the twins, Cap, the rest of the Avengers and yourself get sucked up into the sky.

"Hermoine!" Yells a red headed boy. "Ron, shut your bloody mouth" Hermoine responds. "You and Harry were supposed to meet me in the library" Scolds Ron. "I'd go but for the record I cannot find Harry" she says. The red head looks around. "What do you mean you can't find Harry?" Hermoine looks straight into the young mans eyes and has a blank look on her face. "Ron, you heard me." Both kids look around for this so called Harry, little do they know Harry was sucked into the sky by a blue light. Ron and Hermoine asked, what seemed, the whole school, but still no sign of Harry Potter. They both start getting worried and go to the dorm. "Ron, if you would have chosen to go with Harry maybe we wouldn't have to be looking for him" she says looking at the fire next to her. Ron laughs sarcasticlly "So this is my fault now?! You always find a way to blame me Hermoine. Why is it always me you have to blame?" Just as she's about to yell back at him a blue light appears from the roof, they both look at it with confused faces. Then all of the sudden they both get sucked up into the sky.


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