Hawkins Lab

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As you wake up from you're sleep, you notice you're in the room by yourself. You notice that the hotel is extra quiet. You can't find you're phone nor you're shoes. You walk out into the hallway, only to find nothing, no other rooms, just yours.
"What the hell is going on."
You start to panic internally and go back into you're room.
"Something has to be wrong, what the heck am I doing here. What is this place? Why am I here? Where's Dad?"
More panic flows into your mind and all you can think about is leaving this place. You leave the room, this time walking down the hall. 2 corridors connect, a right and a left. You choose the left one.
As you walk more and more, wall slime starts to ooze. You continue walking but hit a dead end. It's a weird substance, it's wanting to call you but you don't give in.
"A portal from another world" a man says.
You turn around almost instantly.
"Who are you? Where's everyone else?"
"Don't worry my child, everything is going to be okay." the man says, not answering your questions.
"I said, Who.Are.You."
Two men, with chemical suits grab you. You try to use your powers to get them off.
They don't work.
"What did you do to me!?"you scream while kicking the air, trying to get them to release their grasp.
"A few injections here and there." the man says.
You walk past a room, in the room you see a little girl.
You bite one of the mans arm and he lets you go. You start to run but find no exit. In every corner there's just another 2 choice corridor. You find a janitor's closet and sit in the dark. A tear streams down your face.
You try to calm down but the tears don't stop flowing. After a while the man opens the door.
"It's going to be okay."he insist, wiping your tears.
He lets out a sigh and grabs your hand.
You get up and start walking wherever you two are going. You Notice that Will is inside another room. He's in some sort of therapy room.
As you continue to walk the man opens a dorr that leads to your room. You walk in and hear a loud 'thud'. The door behind you was sealed shut.
You sit down on the bed.
"This cannot be happening."
You rub your eyes and yawn. You lay down and stare at the roof. You notice a logo on the light.
A crown. Just like the coin.
You start crying silently. 'What am I doing here?' you think.
The man walks in.
"Food. Eat, and get rest, tomorrow is a big day." the man says.
"What happens tomorrow?"
He sighs and leaves.
You get up and start eating. You think about a few hours ago, when you saw El in a room. You get up and open the door. You start looking around the halls. Then you get to her room.
You open the door, El isn't there anymore.
You leave and start running in the hall. Nobody is there anymore.
You're alone.
The lights begin to shut off and you start to get scared.
You hear a low growl. A growl that you've heard before. A demogorgon. You turn around but can't see anything. You decide to start running towards the light. When you get there you see everyone on the ground. They were all dead.
You see a gun and grab it. You start shooting at the deity.
"Curse you, you hair less taboo."you yell as the deity starts going back.
You see the door to leave. You run to it like there's no tomorrow. Then all you feel is a sharp feeling on your stomach and a warm flow of blood.
You lay on the ground. The diety had bitten you.
"Aw crap."
You lay there, thinking that you're screwed. Well technically you are screwed. The wound starts hurting less every second, that's when you know you're slowly going to the after life.
You close your eyes, accepting what just happened.
You hear a small echo, it starts getting more hearable.
You know that voice. Wanda'svoice.
"Y/N?!" Says Wanda.
You wake up.
Damon and Wanda give you a worried look and then turn to eachother, then back at you.
"Are you okay?" asks Damon.
"Uh, yeah, why? What time is it?"
"You were crying in your sleep, also it's 2:35 a.m."answers Wanda.
It was all a dream. Just a really had dream.
You sigh "I'm fine guys, don't worry."
Wanda nods and leaves to the next room.
"You sure?" Damon asks.
You both sit there in silence.
"Actually...do you mind staying here while I sleep?"
"Of course I don't mind."Damon says as he lays down next to you.
He nods and smiles. His eyes are a nice blue, you get lost in them.
You put your head on his chest. Slowly, but surely you start to fall asleep again.
He notices you're asleep and kisses your forehead. After a while he falls asleep too.

Sorry for a short chapter.
I don't spellcheck:)

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