
11 2 0

You wake up yawning and see that everyone is still asleep. Slowly you start walking towards the door.
"hmph."Pietro lets out.
"Y/n?"says Wanda, still sleepy.
"y-yes?" you say quietly.
No response. She starts to snore lowly again.
You chuckle and leave.
Just behind you is your father, Tony.
"Morning dad"you chirp.
"Morning Kid, wanna come with me to the store across the hotel?"he asks.
"Sure, why not"you shrug.
Both of you get a few new clothes for the team. The day passes by and everything is good, you're actually spending time with Tony.
Tony checks the time and lets out a yawn.
"It's still early, it's 9 a.m."he lets out another yawn.
"I think we should go back, they should all be awake by now." you imply.
While walking up the stairs you see a coin. It was a strange coin, it glowed magenta.
You both get on the elevator. As you're getting closer to the floor everyone was on, you start to hear a lot of talking. You walk in through the door.
"Thank god you're both okay!" says Nat while giving Tony and you a hug. She smacks both of you after hugging you.
"Why were you all worried?" you ask while putting the shopping bags on the table.
"I have a strange feeling about this place." answers Ms.Granger.
"Right."you say awkwardly.
You leave the room and you go back down to the lobby. You look for that magenta looking coin. After a few minutes, you find it. When you pick it up, it burns you.
"OW!"you yelp."What the hell?!"
Damon comes down to look for you and notices you staring at a coin and your burnt finger.
"What in the world are you doing?"he asks while holding your finger.
"The coin burnt me. It's glowing magenta, and I just wanted to pick it up." you say, blowing on your finger.
Damon kisses your burnt finger and picks up the coin.
"Happy?"He asks you while rolling his eyes.
Wanda sees Damon and you, she walks up to the both you.
"What happened?" She grabs your finger.
"The coin burnt her" Damon chuckles.
"It did."
You stare at the coin for a moment and touch it again. This time it didn't burn you. You grab it and see a crown englazed in it.
"It has a crown on it."
"Let me get this straight, you want a coin that has a crown on it?" Damon asks.
"I don't know, it just seemed.."
"...Weird" Wanda finishes
Damon rolls his eyes and leaves back to the room leaving you and Wanda staring at the coin, trying to figure out what it is.
"Maybe it's a limited edition." says Wanda.
You point your hand towards the stairs and Wanda starts walking back to the room. You follow her and see that everyone is watching the TV.
"The Avengers? Taking a day off? Never been heard of." you say while gasping sarcastically.
"One in a life time chance." Bruce answers.
You head back to your room and lay down. You close your eyes for a moment.
"Sleeping? At 10?"Damon says, scaring you nearly to death.
He chuckles and sits on the edge of the bed.
"You're cute when you sleep."he smiles.
"and you're a bad liar."
"Nope."he adds while leaning in to kiss you.
You push him off and get up. You grab your keycard and phone.
"Please don't do that ever again."
"Boring."he says while laying down on the bed.
You roll your eyes and walk out. Tony is outside talking to a police officer. I think he's a police officer.
"Is everything okay dad?"
"Everything is fine, meet officer Jim Hopper."He smiles.
"Hello"says Hopper.
You walk into the full room. You see Bonnie and Harry talking, Nat and Hermoine having an argument, and Caroling and Pietro still flirting. You sit down and Thor picks up his hammer.
"The only person who can pick this hammer up, is worthy, which is me of course, so please, if you think you are worthy, by all means, go ahead."He challenges.
Everyone's tried but nobody, everybody except for you and Hermoine.
"Y/n, your turn."says Thor.
You try your hardest to pick it up, nothing. You give up and walk back to your seat.
"Hermoine?"Thor smirks.
Hermoine has a small time struggling but manages to pick it up. Thor has a unique look on his face, everyone in the room is jaw dropped. You laugh at Thor's face.
"Well would you look at that m'lady. You're worthy."cheers Thor.
You laugh and get up. You check the time and see it's 9:45 p.m.
"Anyone up for a movie?"Asks Stefan.
"Sure."everyone answers.
You leave the room and go back to the bed. Today was weird. It was...normal. Nothing weird happened, other than that stupid coin. But other than that, it was a nice and happy day. Your eyes start closing little by little, until you let out a small quiet snore.

Sorry for this short chapter.

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