J.A.R.V.I.S. Do You Copy?

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As those exact words come out of Steve's mouth you start to feel dizzy. Nat is always the one who calms you down when you're having an anxiety attack or a panic attack. This time she wasn't there.
"I-I need to go." you frantically stand up and go to the other hotel room.
You start pacing back and forth thinking and wondering, 'Where is she? Why was she gone? Who took her?', your hand is in a tightly clenched fist, your nails piercing into your palm. As you take a deep breathe you look out the window and see a familiar face.
Madame Hydra and her pupils.
Her light green and gold dress stun you, she looks amazing. Who knew someone so terrible could look so great in a dress.
She turns and sees you watching her, you both lock eyes. She gives you a smirk, in that moment you both know she has Nat. She motions her hand towards herself applying that you should follow her, a few seconds later she gets in her car.
Immediately you reach for your coat and sprint out the door. This time instead of using the elevator you use the stairs. You reach the outside and the car takes off.
"Well, here goes nothing."
Your eyes begin to glow blue, you start running towards the car and everything is in slow motion. Soon after you hear a recognizable voice.
"Y/n?...Y/n?...Y/n this is J.A.R.V.I.S. where ar-" it cuts off once you get to where the car stopped.
"J.A.R.V.I.S.?...J.A.R.V.I.S. do you copy?"
You look up and read the words on the building.
'Hawkins National Laboratory'
"Come." says Madame. "Your friend is in here."
You walk closer to the woman and her agents, deep down you all know that they wouldn't dare touch you, you were her prized enemy.
"Open ze door for them."she scolds to an agent.
Both of you walk in, it's exactly like in your dream, except less blood and more people that are alive. She leads you, taking two rights and eight lefts. Finally arriving at Nat's room. She opens the door and you rush in for your friend hugging her tightly.
*Smack* Natasha had slapped you. "Are you stupid? Why would you follow her?" she yells.
You rub your cheek and answer, "Why did YOU follow her? If you hadn't gone after her we wouldn't be here right now."
Nat rolls her eyes and shrugs. "How's the team?" she asks.
"How's the team? How- I cannot believe you right now, instead of asking 'Hey lets find a way to bust out of here and tell the others about this place and tell them that J.A.R.V.I.S. tried contacting you'  you ask how the team is?!"you bicker.
"J.A.R.V.I.S. tried contacting you?" her eyes widen at the statement.
"Yes, but it caught off when I got to this area. It was weird, one moment I could hear him perfectly clear saying my name and the next I couldn't hear him at all." you look down and start to fidget with your fingers.
"Hey, it's okay" she pulls you into a hug. "Now bust us out of here" she smiles.
"Fine." Your eyes glow orange and you blast the wall leaving a massive hole in it.
Agents start swarming the room and you and Bat both start running.
"I think your wall has a little smudge on it" you joke as you begin to laugh.
Both of you make it to the hotel room full of dust.
"What the hell happened to you both?" Tony gets up and hugs you and Nat.
"Explain. Now." Steve demands.
As Nat explains what had happened you begin to doze off, before you know it you start falling back. Everything starts to get blurry. Soon after the blurriness everything gets dark.
"Hello." you hear in the darkness. "It's me, Madame Hydra. I only want to be your friend." she giggles.
"Wh..what are you doing in my head?"
"Oh nothing, just an ol slip into ze mind. Nothing big." she answers.
"What do you want from me?"
"Oh no, you have ut wrong, I don't want anything from you, I just want...Hmm..You. You have amazing capabilities that can be used as a weapon. Of course you aren't a weapon, your powers are. I want to extract blood from you, I want to know how I can gain them."
"You have to be worthy." You laugh at your response, mocking Thor.
"No time for ze jokes. Heard enough of them. Goodbye now friend, I will go for you tommorow at 11." she says, her voice fading away.
Suddenly you wake up, but the only thing is that you're still falling. You stand straight and everyone goes back to normal speed.
"Gee, are you okay kid? I thought I saw you fai-" you cut Steve off before he finishes his sentence.
"Nope, all fine, just your imagination." you wiggle your fingers around and smile. "Anyways, after the day I've had I want some sleep."
"I think we all do." Pietro adds.
"Goodnight todos." you wave and smile at everyone before closing the door and going to the room.
As you open the door you find Hermoine and Harry kissing. They both turn to look at you as soon as you open the door.
"Should've knocked huh." you say as you cover your eyes.
"Please don't tell anyone, especially Ronald." Hermoine insists.
"You have yourself a deal but both of you need to go somewhere else because I am too tired."
"Right." Harry stands up and leaves.
"Thank you." Hermoine rubs your shoulder and leaves behind Harry.
You lay down and close your eyes.
"Y/n? This is J.A.R.V.I.S. Where are you?" the A.I. says.
"J.A.R.V.I.S.! We're in a place called Hawkins? It's weird."
"Y/n.. Not to alarm you or anything, but Hawkins blew up 6 years ago."J.A.R.V.I.S. explains.
Wanda walks in and you shut J.A.R.V.I.S. out. She pulls out a letter and looks down. "Can you read it. I'm sorry about today."
"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault, but sure I'll read it." you smile at her.
"Tomorrow of course." you laugh.
"Fine but just don't forget." she looks up at you and smiles. She starts walking away.
"Goodnight Maximoff."
"Goodnight Y/n"she closes the door and leaves to the others.
You lay down again and close your eyes. 10 minutes in, you fall asleep.

Sorry for not writing in a while. Anyways, I didn't know there was a mouse trap emoji? or what is it? 🪤. lol, I hope you enjoy :). (No proof read)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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