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As Dustin and Will make their way to the house they find themselves looking at 3 strangers. Hermoine, Harry, and Ron. "Who are you and what do you all need?" asks Dustin, getting suspicious. "I'm Hermoine, that's Harry, and the big doffus is Ron" says the lady. Will raises an eyebrow. "What are you doing here?" Dustin says. "We got sucked into some bloody light, Do you know how to get back to Hogwarts?" says the red headed boy. Dustin and Will look at eachother for a moment, then they both let out a burst of laughter. "Hogwarts?" asks Will. "What is that? A kids playground?" Dustin adds. They both stop laughing noticing that the 3 strangers in front of them were probably serious. "Hey uh, we don't know where this Hogwarts is but you're in Hawkins, Indiana." says Will Byers. "Im Dustin by the way" says the curly head. "Im Will"says the boy. "Do you think you could let us borrow an owl?" says Harry. "An owl?" asks Dustin. "What in the world do you nee-" Dustin is cut off by a group of people falling from the sky. "Holy Shit!" screams Dustin as they move out of the way. "Watch your mouth" says Hermoine with an intense look on her face. "W-Who are you?" asks Will. Damon stands up and picks his brother up, they all look around. "Where the hell are we?" "Who are y-you?" asks Will once more. Stefan turns to the group of teens. "I'm Stefan Salvatore, this is my older brother Damon. That's Elena, Care, and Bonnie." he points at each of them one by one. "I'm Will, this is my buddy Dustin. That's uh..uh..I forgot your names." says Will quietly. "It's okay. I'm Hermoine, this is Harry, and Ron" says the puffed haired girl. They all hear screaming coming from the sky. They look up and move from where they drop. Damon manages to catch you. "thanks" you say. It takes you a moment and you jump out of Damon's arms. You get ready, on combat mode. "Who are you?" you say while raising an eyebrow. "Y/n, are you okay?" says your dad Stark. "I'm fine" you say while not turning away from the group of teens all in a group. "Ugh, I am not introducing ourselves again" says Hermoine. You turn to look at her and find her pretty. "Well uh, we're The Aven-" Tony cuts you off. "Kid, they don't need to know." says Tony. "So, does anyone know where we are?" asks Natasha. "Hawkins" says Dustin. "Hawkins?" asks Bruce. "Yes, Hawkins, Indiana" answers Will. "What the hell are we doing in Indiana?" asks Damon. A few hours pass by and you all get a moment to speak to eachother and get to know eachother. You learned that the little group of 3 are wizards from Hogharts..or Hogwarts, whatever they were from a stange place. You also learned that the Salvatore's and their ladies were from Mystic Falls, you ran an analysis on Damon and Stefan but couldn't get a feedback, your report says they were dead, which was very odd to you. Dustin an Will were just Dustin and Will, they have a friend group, Mike, Max, El, and Lucas. Then something came to your head. Where the heck are the Maximoff twins. You walk off to find them, Damon and Hermoine follow you. You look around but no sign of the twins. Then you feel a swish on your right side, it was Pietro. "Didn't see that coming." says Pietro in his accent. You smile and ask "Where's Wanda?" He points and you turn around and see a girl hold her arm because she felt bad for blasting you earlier. "There you are." you say. You turn and see Damon and Hermoine "Did you both just follow me?" You say with a face of concern. "Yes, I mean maybe." says Damon. "The others were getting boring." says Hermoine. "I guess you have a point" you say. "Come on, lets go back to the group" you wave your arm, signally to go. Wanda grabs your arm softly. "Hey. I'm sorry about earlier" she says looking down unproud at herself. "It's cool" you say smiling. "Don't push yourself too hard, you were just doing what your instincs told you to do." You smile and you both walk back. "So now that we got to know eachother a bit better, should we check out this town?" asks Stark. "Yea" you say. You all go walking into town while Will and Dustin show you around. You see that the town is kind of old school. Then you decide to ask with a concern, "Uhm. Will, Dustin. What year is it?" Will answers "1985, why do you ask?" he says smiling. Your eyes, along with everyone else's turn big with confusion. "n-no reason." you say. You continue to walk around town and finally meet the rest of Dustin and Will's friend group. You all introduce yourselves and when you take a look at El, you find her very familiar. You both smile at eachother, you look at Wanda and see that she has a worried look. You walk up to her. "Hey, what's wrong?" you ask. "Oh, nothing" she answers with a smile. You take another look "Hmm..okay, I guess" you tell the red head pretty lady. You go up to Nat and ask if you two could talk privately. Then you tell her. "So I ran an analysis on the two Salvatore brothers but they both show they're dead." you say with a worried face. Nat has a confused face then breaks the silence and says "maybe you need to do another one." "I already did" you answer. "You wanna know what's a lot of in Mystic Falls, that I've read of?" you ask Nat. "What" she answers, not getting the point. "Vampires."you say, with a cold look in your face. You and Nat turn to look at the brothers, they were both laughing and smiling. Then you both turn to each other with your eyes widening.

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