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Nat walks away back to the group. You stand there still for a moment trying to process what you just said.
"Are you okay?"says Wanda, looking at your fidgeting hands.
"Er..yeah. I'm okay"you respond, giving the redhead a smile. You think to yourself for a moment and start walking towards the group.
You run another scan on both the brothers. You pull Damon aside and look at him with a worried and confused look.
"What are you? Because a human, you are not." you say with a bossy face.
Damon laughs. "I think you know the answer to your own question." he smirks and walks back to the group.
You look at the ground, confused. You think, 'how?' Tony walks up to you.
"Y/N."he says.
"Yes father?" you respond with both your eyes looking up at him.
"Something about this town is very off. Its a totally different year, and I've tried contacting J.A.R.V.I.S. but nothing. It feels...fake." Tony says while looking around.
You look at him with a 'idk' face and scratch your head. Maybe he was right, maybe it is a fake town with fake people, and fake houses. But why? "Dad." you say.
"Yes Y/N?" Tony pondered while looking at the group then back at you.
"What was the blue light in the sky? Nobody talked about it when we were introducing ourselves."you imply.
"You saw a blue light too?" he commented.
"Yes" you answer. "But it was weird, I've never seen that light before." you add.
Tony shrugs and walks back, leaving you behind with nothing but your thoughts.
You take a look at the group and see that Cap is getting along with Stefan, Tony is getting along with Damon, Nat is laughing with Elena and Bonnie, and Pietro....well he's flirting with Caroline. Dustin, El, Max, Will, Bruce, Thor, and Bucky are all inside Scoops Ahoy. Lucas is arguing with his little sister who has a huge attitude. Hermoine, Harry, and Ron are looking around. You turn and see Wanda sitting on her own. You walk up and sit down in front of her.
"Strange isn't it." Wanda cautioned, breaking the silence.
"Very strange." you answer. You turn to look at her. "Why aren't you socializing?" you ask.
"Not my thing, I don't like people." says the red head lady.
"Hmm. I think I can get you to like me" you comment with a smile on your face while wiggling your eyebrows.
She lets out a quiet small laugh.
You both talk for hours, until the mall closed. You all start heading to the exit when you hear a loud growl. All of you turn around and see a tall deity, or as Mike and the bros call it, 'Demogorgon'.
"Get them out, now" you yell at Nat pointing at the group of teens standing there with their jaws open.
Nat nods and pushes them out, El restrains from her pushing and stays.
You turn to look at El. "What are you still doing here?"you beam.
She ignores your question and continues to look at the deity. She picks the monster up with her mind and throws it across the mall.
You turn and see her running to Mike and the group.
"Avengers...assemble" calls out Cap.
All of you assemble. The weird wizards also line up with their wands sticking out, Elena and Care start running towards Nat. Both brothers stay there with their arms crossed looking at the deity.
You snap your fingers and the wizards and the Salvatore brothers appear with the group. They all look around suprised.
You start floating upwards, a green electric ball starts to form on your hands, your eyes begin to glow a bright red and yellow.
Thor throws his hammer towards the teeth filled monster. The monster lets out a huge screech that makes everyone ear hurt.
All of the sudden Cap starts running towards the deity, Tony lets out a beam from his suit, Bruce goes towards Nat, Pietro sprints all around the mall trying to find something to attack the monster with, Bucky starts shooting the darn thing but nothing happens, Wanda starts throwing whatever is at her touch, and the kept growing every second.
You clap your hands and let the lightning balls combine, then you flick it and send it towards a now Mind Flayer.
The Mind Flayer starts to swerve all its arms and hits Cap.
You fly towards Cap and catch him in time. You turn to see Peter eating a damn ice cream cone. You roll your eyes and turn back to the big guy.
Wanda helps Pietro up but at the attempt get slapped by one of giant-spider tentacle monster. Wanda gets up and sees Pietro picking up Tony and Bucky. Pietro then runs up to the monster and kicks it.
You ignite fire and start to throw it at the Mind Flayer. To your suprise, it was actually working. It kept getting smaller with every throw, Will on the other hand started freaking out. You continue to throw fire until the monster is nothing but a black goey mess.
Everyone is around Will, trying to see what's going on with him.
Then, it hits you, the Mind Flayer is inside Will.
"Move!" you gushed.
Everyone moves and you start lighting small fires around Will, which makes his veins start turning black.
After a while of holding Will down and starting more fires, black smoke starts to come out. It's swiriling and then it goes to where the goey puddle was.
"W-what happened?" asks Will, all sweaty and eyes bulging out.
"Nothing much." you respond.
You all look at eachother and make sure everyone is okay. After everyone is done checking up for eachother, you start to walk away from the mall. All of you drop off every kid and wonder if there's any places to stay. Dustin points to a large hotel.
"Can we have 10 rooms.."Says Tony while smiling at the lady at the front.
Tony gives each of you a key card. "Weird wizards in one room"he says while handing them the card. "Damon and Stefan in Another, Bonnie and the ladies in the third" he adds. "Bruce"hands him the card. "I will be in the next."he rolls his eyes. "Bucky and Cap." "Clint." he says while giving him a 'bleh' look. "And last but not least, Nat, Wanda, Y/n, Thor, and Pietro."
You all head to your rooms. You take a shower while the other are outside talking. You yawn and start to walk slowly toward the bed.
"Goodnight"you say quietly, all ready half asleep.
"Goodnight" they all reply.

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