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I stared at my ceiling, still laying in my bed. I didn't have to be up for another hour, yet my body was awake. I had plans to have coffee with Sebastian and Scarlett to run lines. This week I've been in and out of fittings, meetings, even rehearsal time with the cast. It allowed me to get to know them better. Sebastian has avoided me unless we have to rehearse together. So I was pretty surprised when he asked me to coffee. I really didn't understand him, he avoided me at all costs but glared at any guy who got too close.

My alarm goes off telling me I need to get up. I throw the blankets off of me heading to my bathroom looking in the mirror. My hair was wavy from my shower last night. I threw it up into a neat pony tail pulling little pieces out to frame my face. I put on some mascara and lipgloss, I didn't really need anything else. I pulled my shirt off over my face and threw it in my hamper along with pajama bottoms. I found a tight long sleeve shirt and pulled it on. I threw on some leggings and my docs to pull it all together. I grabbed a small purse and placed my things into it.

I went out to kitchen to water my succulent. I checked the time once before grabbing my keys and heading out. I started the engine when I heard my phone buzz in my bag. I grabbed it out seeing I had a message from Barry.

b- I know you were going for coffee but plans changed. You're going to a rehearsal at the studio. Everyone will be there, so just play nice. They want to do the fight scene between Eve and Bucky, they'll explain more! Kisses xx.
m- Okay! Thanks for letting me know.

I sighed deeply plugging my phone into the aux. It was a good 25 minute drive from here to the studio, so might as well listen to some music. I put on Mother Mother and pulled out carefully. I followed the GPS directions carefully making sure I didn't miss any turns or anything. I listened to the beat, letting the music fill my head.

I pulled into the parking lot of the studio. I turned off my engine then reached over grabbing my bag putting my keys in it. I got out heading to our studio. I walked in and Joe and Anthony smiled wide greeting me.

"Marie! So good to see you!" Joe cheers pulling me into a hug. I smile hugging him back. They showed me to a seat where I could wait for everyone else. I sat down carefully placing my head in my hands. I had a pulsing headache that was making it hard to focus. Anthony Mackie, was the last one to show up.

"Marie, over here darling," Joe calls out, I walk over to him. I stand on my mark as everyone gets to theirs.

"Alright, in this scene Bucky comes up and punches the HYDRA agent 'saving' Eve." Everyone nods agreeing they know their lines. "Ready? Action." Sebastian comes up from behind punching the air turning to me. I glare at him, like in the script.

"What the hell was that?" I shout.

"I was helping you." He retorts back.

"I don't need your help." I snark at him just like in the script.

"Yeah cause it looked like you had that in your control!" He shouts, making my head pulse once. A wave of anger taking over.

"I don't need you to protect me!" I shout back. "I learned how to protect myself after being beat for years! And even I can't beat them I can take it." I pause angrily, I didn't even notice everyone's expressions. "I won't cry, I won't fuss, I won't even complain." Tears start to fall as emotion takes over now. I gasp realizing what had happened. I look to Joe and Anthony.

"I'm sorry- I- can I have a minute?" I ran out the door in embarrassment. I can't believe I just told everyone I work with I was abused. I mean everyone has their issues, but I don't need people knowing them. When I step outside the cold air fills my lungs making it harder to breathe. I grab my chest trying to breathe. I felt like I was collapsing, then suddenly my knees gave out. But before I could hit the ground someone caught me holding me up. They were warm and familiar. My vision wasn't blurred but I kept my eyes closed tightly.

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