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"Isn't this your third coffee?" I laugh to myself as I write 'squirrel boy' on the plastic cup.

"How many times do I have to tell you Yuna, I NEED the caffeine! I have a recording due tonight, and I'm not missing the deadline. Gosh, being a music major is so exhausting," he says while wiping fake sweat from his brow.

"Jisung, you've got to stop procrastinating. I know you have the skills to make a song fast, but sleep is important too!"

"Sleep? Never heard of it." Definitely heard that one before... "Now make me my Americano please," he requests with a big smile.

I sigh to myself while walking to the coffee machine. When will that boy learn...

Working in this coffee shop has taught me a lot. Patience, multitasking, patience, work ethic, did I mention patience? But the fast-paced environment is never boring, and it pairs nicely with the sweet aroma of coffee beans and vanilla syrup.

"Hey Seungmin, we're out of espresso powder. Can you reach up to the top shelf?"

"Sure thing Yuna." He chuckles while handing me the bag. "When are we going to get a step stool for you?"

"Yah, knock it off!" I say while playfully punching his arm. Seungmin always teases me, but his sweet smile always makes up for it.

"Seungmin quit bullying," I hear a voice from behind me. "There's nothing wrong with needing a step stool while working." I turn around to see Chaeryeong smiling while blending a frappuccino.

"Exactly!" I chime. There's never a dull moment with these two.

Topping the cup with a lid, I place it on the counter. "Americano number three for Han Jisung!" Like a flash, he grabs the coffee and hurries back to his table in the corner, where his open laptop and bag sit. Someone might think it's little strange, but knowing him, it's just typical Jisung behavior.

Ever since we were kids, we've been practically inseparable. We do almost everything together— from binge watching kdramas to late-night fast food runs. Being an only child, he's like the brother I never had. We attend the same university and live in the same apartment hall, which is great cause I don't know what I would do without him. He truly is my best friend.

After another few hours of taking and making orders, it's about closing time. The last customer in the shop is Jisung; with a stretch and a yawn, he puts his things in his bag.
"You ready?" He asks.

I give a long sigh. "When am I not?"
We walk out of the shop and into the calm autumn night. The breezy trees mixed with the faint traffic in the distance accompanies us on our stroll back to the apartment. Walking on the other side of the street, a couple with matching hoodies giggle with each other while holding hands. Talk about cringe.

"You know Yuna," Jisung remarks, "You've been single for like, an eternity. Don't you want to try and branch out a bit?"

"Jisung, you know that I don't have time for dating. It requires so much time and effort; plus, men are gross."

"But I'm not gross."

"Oh yes you are— remember the time when Jeongin dared you to eat that bowl of dead crickets, and you somehow managed to devour the whole thing in less than a minute?"

"Okay fair enough, but eating bugs isn't all that bad... Still though, you just haven't met the right one yet."

"Like that'll ever happen," I mumble. It's not like I have bad luck with guys, I just never care to try. And guys don't seem to have interest in me, so it's mutual I guess.

As we cross the busy market street, I hear music. A violinist stands on the street corner, playing a cover of 'Breathe' by Lee Hi. She sounds each note with deep intention, creating a delicate yet strong harmony. The intensely beautiful rhythm draws me in, captivating my senses.

"Miss Kang loved listening to live music at this market," Jisung says while looking ahead.
"Yeah.." I say, my heartstrings clenching yet becoming soothed by the sweet melody that fills the air. I feel a warm arm wrap around my shoulder.
"Let's go home," he says.

It's been an hour since we went our separate ways; I took a steamy shower, watched the latest episode of 'One-Punch Man,' and did some skincare. Laying down in bed, I stare at the ceiling. Sometimes I wonder... what if things were much simpler? What if these everyday tasks were all I had to worry about? I turn and look at the picture on my nightstand. Warm memories fill my mind as my eyes get slightly wet.
"I'm sorry mom," I whisper to myself. "I'm not as strong as you said I was going to be."

I made a promise, yet the crushing feeling of doubt consumes me.

"But I will keep pushing..."

You can do this. You are strong, Yuna.
Her words still ring through my head.

"For you."

Eyes On You | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now