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   Tension rises as the full moon peeks between the blanket of dark clouds. The cold air convinces me to pull my hood over, along with my facemask. As I approach the entrance, I look down at my watch-- 12:15 am. One hour before the expected time of GC's arrival. After getting in position, I wait for Felix's queue.
   In an instant, I sprint through the abandoned complex without leaving a trace. Feeling the wind slide past me is the best part of the job, and the light placements of my feet allow me to run with complete silence. At each corner, I make sure to check my front and back before the final paths that lead to the center. Before I knew it I'm a few meters ahead...


Someone's here.

   And they're moving fast. But how? It's too late to phone for help. No matter what I'm retrieving the drive. If that means a race, then bring it on.

   My competitive spirit comes out as I sprint past each obstacle. The center gets closer, exposing the other floors in the building. I see a shadow moving along with my reflection in the distance, and I can't hear their footsteps either. I'm evenly matched. My thighs are burning and sweat trickles down my back-- finally, the drive is just within reach.

   Suddenly, my feet come to a halt. At equal distance from the other side stands a tall figure, his eyes pointing lasers into my skull. The rest of his face is covered. His dark, sharp-cornered eyes study me with deadly intent, casting a spell that makes me freeze in place.

   This isn't good.

   He takes a few steps toward the table that holds the drive. "Sorry to beat you to it, but I'm afraid this is mine," he says in a cocky tone. On impulse, I hastily walk to the table.
     "Bold of you to assume that you were here first," I voice. His confident aura is replaced with a look of confusion.

     "You're... a girl?"

   Seriously? That's the question? I roll my eyes.
   His hand reaches for the drive, but I quickly grab his wrist. He scoffs.
     "I'm not going to fight you, miss."

      I chuckle. "Good thing you don't have to." I kick his stomach causing him to fall back, allowing me to grab the drive and make a run for it. Not long after, my sleeve yanks me back in the other direction. He kicks my hip in attempt to disorient me. "So what made you change your mind?!" I grunt.

   "Sometimes you have to play dirty to get what you want." He roundhouse kicks my hand causing the drive to slide across the hard floor. I break free from his grasp to run and get it only to feel a large weight jump on me and tackle me to the ground. He stands and grabs the drive, but I grab his ankle. Throughout the sloppy brawl, my reach on the drive gets extremely close.

   Until I feel excruciating pain in my chest, causing me to fall with an echoing groan.

   This man just punched me in the boob.

   I look up in shock, to which he looks down at me with a slight grimace.
   "That's... unfortunate. Thanks for this." He holds up the drive then runs away.

   Bastard..." I mutter.
   After making myself get up and walk, I hear Felix in my ear. "Can we get an update, Yuna?"
   "I failed," I say in a lifeless tone.
   "I failed," I say louder, "what's so hard to understand about that! Are you dense?" I groan with frustration and kick the wall in anger.

Eyes On You | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now