Chapter 7

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Goku bolted awake covered in a cold sweat. He looked around frantically but only to be met with Vegeta's eyes. Vegeta gave him a mixed look of a glare and curiosity. Goku sighed as it was just a dream.

"What happened to you?" Vegeta said rather rudely. Goku's gaze softened, sitting up slightly. Vegeta was quickly pulled into a hug, catching him off guard.

Vegeta tensed up at the sudden touch. "If you don't get off of me in 3 seconds, I'm gonna kill you." Vegeta said calmingly yet threatening. "No, I don't think I will." Goku replied, hugging Vegeta tighter.

Vegeta tried pulling back to no use. "Kakarot! Let go of me!" Vegeta shouted, still trying to get free. Goku replied with a soft chuckle, finally letting go of Vegeta. Vegeta pulled back quickly, a light shade of pink cover his face.

"Damn it kakarot! Why did you even hug me?" Vegeta had questioned, putting his hands on his hips. "Why did you wake me up?" Goku asked completely ignoring the question the other had asked him. Vegeta a glare at him before answering back.

"I heard a mumbling sound upstairs after my shower. I came to your room to you almost talking clear as day." Goku thought for a second before remembering the dream he had minutes ago. "Oh yeah! I had a really weird dream." Goku scratched his head to remember more of the dream.

"Oh! And you were in it Vegeta! You seemed sad though." Vegeta felt dumbfounded for a second.

"Why was I in your dream? And why would I be sad?" Vegeta raised a brow. He barely as dream where Goku was in so why was he in his dream. "I don't know." Goku shrugged.

"Whatever, I'm going to train." Vegeta paused. "Care to join?" He groaned knowing Goku was going to pester him. "Sure! But we are not throwing boulders off the cliff this time." Goku chuckles as Vegeta scoffed at him. "Idiot."

The two Saiyans were about to walk out to train until a ringing sound echoed in the house. "I'll get that!" Goku said cheerfully, running to the phone. Vegeta groaned loudly, leaning back in impatience. He walked to were Goku had the phone.

"Hello,Goku?" A female voice asked. "Yes it is, who is this?" Goku was confused on who was calling him. "Bulma." Goku was surprised as he hasn't talked to Bulma in awhile. "Hey Bulma! How are you?" Vegeta rolled his eyes at the name. He hasn't thought of her since he first moved in with Goku.

"I'm fine, do you know where Vegeta is staying at? I've been expecting him to come back now." Bulma asked. She never expected Vegeta to stay away for about a month. "Where is Vegeta at? Um.." he trailed off, looking at Vegeta.

For a reason, Vegeta slightly panicked, shaking his head no. "I'm not sure..." Goku lied, still making eye contact with the other. "Well can't you feel his energy or anything?" Bulma was starting to get worried about Vegeta.

"Well.. I.. can try.." Goku said very spacey. He muted himself and looked at Vegeta. "She's asking me to find your energy, what do I do!" Goku was never the best with coming up with lies in the spot. Vegeta groan loudly. "Just tell her you couldn't find me and just wait." Vegeta groaned out, putting his fingers on his forehead.

"Good idea! Your good at this!" Goku complemented him while resting his hand on the shorter ones shoulder. Vegeta quickly nudged it off and turned his head with the response "hm." Goku turned back to the phone and unmuted himself. "I couldn't find it! Just wait." Then Goku hung up the phone.

"Idiot! You don't just hang up! Now she's gonna be suspicious." Vegeta shouted at Goku flicking his hand in front of his face. Goku just chuckled which seemed to anger Vegeta more.

"Let's just go fucking train." Vegeta said as he stormed out of the house and took flight. "Hey wait for me!" Goku shouted cheerful and flew after Vegeta.

Bulma looked at the phone, thinking. 'That's odd, Goku was acting weird.' Something didn't sit right with her. Goku never just hangs up the phone like that. "Hmm." She slipped her phone in her pocket and walked off.


The two saiyans were now back at home, both in there rooms. They were training for about 4 hours before heading back home to sleep. Vegeta was reading a adventure book. He had picked up a reading habit from Goku. He yawned as the book was losing his interest quickly.

His attention was directed to Goku who was holding two waters. Goku was wearing a lose white tank top with nice fitting black joggers on. Vegeta raised a brow tiredly, swiftly looking him up and down. "Why do you have two waters?" He asked slowly and calmly.

"I thought you would be thirsty so I brought you one." Goku said with a soft smile. Vegeta subconsciously lifted the corner lip that looked to be a smile. "Thanks." Vegeta grabbed the water from him, touching his hand gently while doing so. Goku nodded and headed out of his room. He felt hot in the face when walking back to his room. Goku was confused why all of a sudden he felt hot. 'Maybe I got sunburned.' Goku reassured himself.

Vegeta took a sip of the cooling water. He sighed as he continued to read his book. The book had been a guy stuck on an island and trying to survive. He closed the book with his hand as his interest for it was gone. Goku had a big bookshelf in the living so he could pick another book.

He got up from his bed and headed to the bookshelf. A lot of the books there were mystery as that was Goku's favorite genre. Vegeta's was horror as he found those the most interesting ones.

He tapped his foot on the floor as no book had caught his attention. The books were ether mystery, romantic, adventurous, or horror books that he had already read. Vegeta flew up a bit to look at other books higher up on shelves.

One book had caught his attention. It was a murder mystery one. He shrugged as it will do. Before flighting back down something caught the corner of his eye. He glanced at the book as it looked familiar.

He hesitated before grabbing the book out. The book cover was made of a soft leather. Onto of the leather seemed to be a heart with a cross through it. It was also locked with a small shiny lock. Then it hit him where he remembered seeing it at.

'The cover was made of leather with a heart carved into the front, only that the heart had a cross through it. 'How did I not see this before?' Vegeta thought examining the book. There was a lock in the middle of the book.'

He gasped as he realized this was the journal he was looking for a couple of weeks back and forgot about it. He walked back to his room, excited to see what this journal holds.

He closed the door and quickly sat on the bed. He opened it to no use. He forgot about the simple lock and just broke it. 'It's not like it was to any use.' Vegeta smirked as now he could make fun of Goku on whatever was in this book.

His smirk soon fell as he saw the first page. He felt a chill run over him. His stomach felt a sickness stirring. He flipped the another page, with the same results as before. His eyes were glued on the pages on what he read. 'I like Vegeta.'


-Happy Valentines Day 💖

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