Chapter 2

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Vegeta was woken up by a painfully annoying phone ringing. A groan erupted from his throat in annoyance as he can't seem to find that loud vibrating rectangle. After his hand hits the table multiple times, he finally found the phone. I have answered in a deep raspy voice. "What." Vegeta managed to croak out.

"Hey dad." A masculine yet soft voice said over the phone. Vegeta soon realized who had woke him up, it was Trunks. I have managed to sit up, rubbing his eyes in the process. "Why are you calling me this early?" There was a short pause. "Um, it's 11:00 am dad." Trunks said with a soft chuckle.

Vegeta quickly looked over his shoulder to see the clock in fact saying 11:00 am. Vegeta groaned as he was not wanting to wake up this late in the day. 'Fuck, I'm going to kill that son of a bitch for not waking me up.' He thought before hearing his son asking if he's there.

"So why are you calling me this early again?" I have asked a bit irritated. "I was worried where you were staying at because Mom called me this morning about yesterday." Trunks said with concern his voice. Trunk was surprised just like Goku hearing that Bulma kicked him out of the house.

"I'm fine I am just staying at. "He paused, not wanting to say he was at Goku's house but proceed." Kakarot. "He managed to spit out, cussing himself out for staying with him. Trunks sighed in relief." I was worried on where you were staying at. I'm happy you are staying at Goku's, maybe you guys can be better friends! "He said cheerfully, a groan was heard on the other line." Well I better get going, bye dad. "

"Yeah yeah whatever Bye." He said before the call ended. Trunks looked at his phone and chuckled knowing his dad was always grouchy. Vegeta put his phone down on the night stand and proceeded to get ready for the day, and yell at Goku for not waking him up earlier.


Goku was drinking some tea and was reading a book. After the divorce with ChiChi he found comfort in reading books, specifically mystery books. He would get so carried away from reading he would end up with no books to read. He didn't want to keep going back and fourth to the library, so now he reads slower and gets more books instead of two at a time.

While deep in the book he didn't seem to notice Vegeta leaning against the wall. Goku suddenly felt a something hard shot at his head, causing him to yell in agony, quickly moving his hand to the spot of the mysterious thing that flew at his head.

Vegeta what did you?! .. "he stoped yelling mid sentence looking down to see a medium sized stone inches away from his left foot." Where did you even get that! "Goku shouted, rubbing the spot that the stone hit.

"None of your business and why didn't you wake me up this morning! Do you know what time it is?" Vegeta shout back while a slightly higher tone. Goku took his hand off his head and winced, knowing it's going to leave a bruise later on. "Because I didn't want to get yelled at this morning." Goku said with a frown on his face.

Vegeta glares at him then realized he would have in fact done that, putting his finger on his lip, "True." He said with a smirk, flicking is finger down. Goku sighed at him, knowing he is going to be a pain in the butt as long as he stays there with him.

"Well I'm going to go train! Wanna come?" Goku said jumping up cheerfully, suddenly changing his attitude. Vegeta wrinkled his nose at him. "I don't want to train with you. I'll train when I want to." Vegeta said crossing his arms trying to make a point. "Suit yourself! I'll be back soon." Goku said as he walked out the door.

'Idiot.' Vegeta thought as he left. An idea popped in his head rewarding a smirk. As Goku was gone Vegeta would snoop around the house, meaning his bedroom. I have turned around to head up the stairs. Goku's room was on the right, directly above Vegeta's room.

He opened the door to see a nice and tidy room with a minty smell to it. Vegeta looked to see where he could snoop first, he decided to check the bathroom. He was wondering if he should since there may be things he doesn't wan to see, but he didn't. Goku didn't have anything expect for the everyday items.

Next Vegeta tried the drawers, there's always something secretive in them. After looking in his dresser to find nothing, he check the night stand by Goku's bad. Still nothing to be found.

Vegeta sat on the bed in defeat and frustration. Goku wasn't finding anything. He even checked the closet and under the bed without finding anything. As he was about to leave the room of boredom, he saw something in the corner of his eye. It was a book on top of the night stand.

Vegeta walked over to it to see it wasn't just any ordinary book but to look like some diary of some sort. The cover was made of leather with a heart carved into the front, only that the heart had a cross through it. 'How did I not see this before?' Vegeta thought examining the book. There was a lock in the middle of the book.

'Such childness.' Vegeta raises a brow. He was about to break the lock only to feel Goku's power level approaching. 'Fuck.' Vegeta thought as he sat the book down and quickly went down stairs. Vegeta couldn't help but felt a little excitement on what was in that book. Maybe a dark secret or a crush.

Whiling think more on it, the book was probably about ChiChi since the heart had a cross through it, due to the divorce. 'Maybe Kakarot misses ChiChi.' Vegeta pondered, seconds later Goku walking through the door.

"What are you doing back? "Vegeta said rather harshly." Oh I didn't feel like training actually. "Goku said and smiled sweetly before heading up to his room without further questions to be asked. Vegeta gave Goku a suspicious look. ' Not feel like training my ass. ' Vegeta thought looking where Goku left.

He knew something was up but decided just to head in his room instead. Goku was sitting on his bed thinking. The reason why didn't want to training because he had a feeling to turn back. He wasn't sure why he felt this but didn't want to question it and just headed back. 'Is someone dangerous coming here? Is someone in danger? ' Goku wondered, trying to think of a reason.

Goku turned around to see what time it was since he was starting to get a bit hungry. That's when he realized why he had the feeling to head back. There it sat on his night stand, his journal. He could tell someone moved it, that someone was Vegeta. Lucky for Goku it was to late for Vegeta to open it, revealing his dark secret.

He had liked Vegeta, more then a friend. Goku really liked Vegeta when they first started to get alone and so called 'friends.' He had to cut his feelings off since Vegeta and Bulma ended up together. Last night he decided to read all the things he felt back then and what Vegeta did.

For example 'every time Vegeta glares at me I get butterflies.' Childish things. It did give him a good laugh on how much I liked him. He stoped reading towards the end since they were on how broken he felt when he couldn't have Vegeta and had a family to take care of. Goku put the journal in the back of the botten drawer.

He now knows he can't leave Vegeta alone here anymore in case he finds the book. His stomach growled, the hunger increasing. Goku got off the bed to make a second lunch for him and maybe for Vegeta as well.

  𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦, 𝕀 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦|Kakavege ✐Where stories live. Discover now