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It has been three months ever since Chaeyoung moved in Jungkook's house. The two lived together as if it has been normal for them and that they always do everything they do as always, work. The two lived in harmony... or so they thought.

"Park Chaeyoung!" 

Chaeyoung ran outside outside her room and went to the living room downstairs as fast as she can. When she reached the room, all she can see is Jungkook fuming with anger but still looks calm. Dang, he be scary. Looking at 10 different boxes from different shops and 17 shopping bags.

"What do you need?" Chaeyoung asked breathing heavily even though she already knows what this is about.

"You ordered stuff... again" Jungkook said as he glared at her, but Chaeyoung didn't seem taken aback as he has always been like this for the past 3 months.

"Yeah? Okay, wait where're the delivery men?" Chaeyoung rushed to the door.

"They already left"

"I haven't payed them ye-" Chaeyoung said, but was cut off .

"I already did" Jungkook said as he walked towards the boxes and bags and organized them. "What?" He asked when he saw looking at him with arms crossed and confusion in her eyes.

"Why did you pay? I didn't ask you to pay for it" Chaeyoung asked helping him organizing. 

"Oh, is that the new 'thank you'? Besides, it was my name  you put at the customer ID, of course I need to pay. Or do you want a Park Chaeyoung paying a delivery meant for Jeon Jungkook?" Jungkook said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'll just pay you later" Chaeyoung said rolling her eyes as she put the delivery one by one to her room with the help of Jungkook.

"It's fine, just go back to sleep" Jungkook said.

"How did you know I was asleep?" She asked with eyebrows furrowed confused as to why he knows and was just sent a glare from the latter.

"I called you more than 10 times, miss. You didn't come down. You came down after my 27th yell" He said massaging his forehead.

"Right. I had a long shoot yesterday, that's why" Chaeyoung explained more quieter than usual as she yawned.

"I know, that's why just sleep. I'll just wake you up for dinner" Jungkook said as he finished putting them all in her room. "Just open these later" He added before he left patting her head.

Yeah, he sometimes can be a jerk, but is always a gentleman. She thought. 

Two months ago, Chaeyoung was flooded by reporters and media when she went out to shop at the mall, and when Jungkook found out from his teller, he ordered 10 bodyguards for Chaeyoung's safety and told her to just order online or go out with the bodyguards or friends. 

And a month ago, when they were at JJK Corp. for  her modeling for the company,  Chaeyoung slipped and almost fell from the 5th floor staircase, but was saved by Jungkook and ordered the maintenance for staircase clean up and closed it for awhile for it can be dangerous.


Hi! it has been a while, here's a short update for y'all!

I'm out!-

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