Chp 9. Gideon

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It was the next morning, Ele had awoken to George playing with her hair.

George: "Good morning love"

Ele: "Good morning"

George: "You woke just in time for breakfast, it's going to be ready soon downstairs"

Ele: "Mmmmm that sounds good" She gave him a smile and kissed him on the lips softly

George: "I brought you some clothes" he exclaimed getting up from the bed and handing them to her

Ele: "Thank you"

She sat up and stretched, she got up from the bed pulling off her pjs to get dressed, she could feel a pair of eyes watching her.

Ele: "You like what you see" She said looking over at George who was pretty much drooling, He clocked out of his doze.

George: "Very much so" he started to blush

He came up to her wrapping a hand around her waist and cupping her face with his other to bring her into a passionate kiss.

George: "You're so beautiful darling" he looked down at her with a smile and Ele started to blush.

Ele: "Okay George I need to get dressed" she giggled Slightly shoving him away

George: "Alright alright, I'll be downstairs" he broke apart from her and headed out the door.


Ele finished getting dressed and headed downstairs, she was walking quite fast when she bashed into Fred coming out his room, they both tumbled to the ground, Fred had grasped Ele's waist as they fell and hit the floor, their bodies were touching and they made brief eye contact.

Fred: "Bloody hell Eleanore"

He pushed off the ground and helped her up

Ele: "I- sorry"

He rubbed the back of his neck, flexing his arm, his eyes widened as he lookeddown

Ele: "What are yo-"

Fred: "You're bleeding" he explained pointing to my elbow

Ele looked down at her arm, shit she was, she must've scraped it when she hit the floor.

Ele: "Oh, well I- I'm fine, I'll just ask Molly for a bandage" She said cupping her elbow and headed down the stairs as Fred followed behind

Ele: "Molly"

Molly: "Yes dear!, I'm in the kitchen!!" She called

Ele: "I need a bandage, I scraped my elbow"

Molly: "Oh dear, here let me have a look"

She took Ele's arm examining it

Molly: "It's just a scratch, you'll be alright"

A flick of her wand and the blood washed away and a few bandages wrapped around Ele's elbow, Molly patted her on the arm and gave a big smile

Molly: "Breakfast will be ready soon, so go sit down"

Ele: "Thank you"

Ele walked into the dining room where George was, he was in a conversation with Hermione and Ginny on his and Fred's new stock for the shop.

George: "It's quite wicked, Fred and I are really exited to get the new stock on the shelves" he explained

Ele loved seeing George talk about the things he liked, it really brought the best out of him.

Hermione: "It sounds brilliant George"

Ele: "What ar-"

Ron: "Is breakfast ready"

Fred: "Mate for once can you not think of food" he chattered as he messed up Ron's hair and pushed him into his seat

Ron: "piss off"

George: "Ele what happened to your elbow?"

Ele: "Oh I just slipped down the stairs and scraped it when I hit the floor"

George: "Are you okay"

Ele: "Yes I'm alright"

Molly: "Alright breakfast is ready!" She called from the kitchen

All the foods were placed onto the table and everyone came to sit down and started eating, they all talked about what's to come for the twins shop.

Fred: "We'll be leaving in a day or two for the shop and it'll be about a week till we get it open"

Molly: "That is such good news boys"

George and Fred were smiling to each other, The morning continued with a lot more conversations.


The rest of the day consisted of mostly packing, the twins were getting ready for the shop and Ele got her stuff together as well, It was only the three of them who were heading back to the twins lot for the first couple days then the others were gonna head over to help out, A knock came at Ginny's door

Fred: "Hey Ele"

Ele: "Yes"

Fred: "Can I talk to you" he spoke, closing the door behind him

Ele: "What's up"

Fred: "I just need to know if we're okay"

Ele: "Wh-what do you mean"

Fred: "It's just, every time you're around me, you seem off, did I like do something"

Her stomach started to turn

Ele: "Oh no, everything's fine"

He was staring her in the eyes

Fred: "Ele would you please talk to me"

She paused for a second not knowing what to say, so many things were going through her head, she had no feelings for Fred and she only saw him in a friend way, that dream meant nothing to her, all she could think about was how much she wanted George.

Ele: "Fred, there's nothing going on, I- I've just been nervous about working at the shop" She explained

That wasn't true, His eyebrows were furrowed and he seemed to look irritated

Fred: "That's it" he said

Ele: "Yes, I'm really sorry" She mumbled

He let out a rough sigh

Fred: "No it's fine Ele, fuck I should be the one apologizing not you"

She walked up to him and gave him a reassuring hug, they then broke apart making eye contact

Fred: "You can tell me anything Ele, I want you to trust me, and I just want to know that you're okay because you mean a lot to George" he started to ramble

Ele: "Everything is okay Fred" She reassured him


Their eye contact lingered on

Ele: "Well you better go"

His eyes then broke away from hers

Fred: "Good talk Ele" he replied and walked out

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