Chp 18. Back to the burrow

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Molly: "Oh Eleanore, it is so good to see you, come on in"

Ele: "Hi Molly"

Molly: "My dear, you look so tired, George would you take her to Percys old room please so she can rest"

George: "She's been resting for a week mum" He said as he picked Ele up bridal style and carried her up the stairs.

Ele: "George"

George: "yes"

Ele: "I don't need to be here, I'm capable of working at the shop"

George: "This is for your safety Ele"

Ele: "I am safe at the shop, i have you and Fred, I'll be in the shop and apartment the whole time"

George didn't respond

Ele: "What are you and Fred gonna do, you can't be here with me during my entire recovery, and you guys are going to need some extra help with Caroline and i gone"

George: "Don't worry about it Ele"

Ele: "I can't do anything else but worry George"

George stayed quiet, he opened Percys bedroom door and placed her on the bed

George: "You need to rest now, i gotta go work some stuff out at the shop, I'll be back for dinner"

Ele: "Okay"

He hesitated at the door

Ele: "Georgie, whats wrong? I can tell you're upset about something"

George: "It's just we were supposed to get away from all the danger, after the war, I thought we would finally be at peace"

Ele: "George, everything is going to be fine" she tried to reassure him

George: "If so then why is Caroline acting like a psychopath, someone out there is trying to hurt you and I'm not okay with that, not until the threat is gone and that you can go out without being hurt or bothered by- Malfoy"

It looked like he was about to throw up by the mention of Draco's name

Ele didn't know what to say, she just stayed silent

George: "I need to go"

He closed the bedroom door behind him, it was silent, Ele laid her head on the pillow and closed her eyes.

?: "Coo"

Ele looked to the open window

Ele: "Hedwig?"

Hedwig: "Coo"

A letter was strapped to her leg with Ele's name on it

Ele: "Who's this from"

{ Eleanore, i am so sorry, this is not what i wanted, please meet me 2 am, at the shreaking shack, we need to talk. Come alone. }

There was no name

Ele: "What the hell"

She checked the clock, it was 3pm


It was now 6pm, George and Fred returned, they were all eating dinner.

Fred: "We've made posters, that we're hiring, put them up around the place, and hey you remember Marisa"

Ele: "The girl who got sick and had to stay in Paris?"

Fred: "Yeah, i got a letter from her and she said she's healthy now and she could come back to work"

Ele: "that's good news"


After dinner, George and Ele helped clean up, she was at the sink washing dishes.

George: "You know you don't have to hand wash them, there's magic for that"

Ele: "I like to hand wash, it clears my mind"

George chuckled.

Ele: "Do you ever miss playing quidditch at Hogwarts" she asked as she looked out to the broom shed

George: "Sometimes, it was really fun beating slytherin all the time, thanks to Harry I guess"

Ele: "Yeah"

George: "Ooo remember when Caroline started a food fight in fifth year"

Ele: "Yes, Merlins beard it was awesome, and a cupcake hit Snape in the face and she got like how many weeks of detention?"

George: "Two weeks and she had to clean the great hall all by herself"

Ele laughed with George.

George: "Hey, when your done would you want to go out and lay on the grass, maybe watch the stars?"

Ele: "I'd love to"


After Ele finished cleaning, George went outside and set down a big blanket and pillows, Ele wore George's old quidditch hoodie and a pair of his sweatpants

George: "Bloody hell you look very hot"

Ele: "In sweatpants and a hoodie?"

George: "Yes, now come here"

Ele sat on his lap facing him and kissed him on the lips

George: "Mm wait"

Ele: "What?"

George: "I just remembered that we can't fuck"

Ele: "Yea we can't, sadly"

George: "I'm going to cry"

Ele: "You're so dramatic"

George: "Are you wearing a bra" he asked as his hands went up her back

Ele: "No" she grinned

George: "Thats nice and mean"

Ele: "I'm not wearing underwear either" she whispered to him

George: "how dare you"

She kissed him on the lips again, after awhile of making out and playing with George's hair, they laid down and watched the stars.

Ele: "It's getting kinda cold out here"

George: "Let's go back inside"

Ele: "Can you carry me?"

George: "Of course"

He crouched down so she could get on his back, she rested her head on his shoulder as he walked back to the house and headed upstairs

George: "Here we are"

Ele got down from his back and gave him a hug

Ele: "Thank you"

George: "You're welcome, I'll see you tomorrow morning"

Ele: Okay, goodnight Georgie"

George: "Goodnight Love"

Ele closed the door and walked over to the bed, she took out the letter from under the pillow and read it again.

Ele: "I can't" she said to herself and crumpled up the letter then tossed it across the room, it fell on the floor next to the old wooden wardrobe.

She loves George and she needs to stay safe.

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