Chp 10. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

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It was moving day, the twins had gotten all packed up and ready to head back to the shop, Ele didn't have much to bring so all she really had was a suitcase.

Molly: "Eleanore!!!"

Ele: "I'm coming!!"

Ele stumbled down the stairs to the living room where everyone was, they all huddled around the fireplace to say their goodbyes.

Molly: "Oh Eleanor there you are, come on now"

Molly grabbed Ele's arm lightly pushing her into the fire place with the twins.

Molly: "Boys take some flu powder now"

George and Fred had cupped some powder in their hands, George placed his other hand on Ele's back.

Fred: "Ready George"

George: "Ready Fred"


they both threw the flu powder to the bottom of the fire place and big green flames erupted, It didn't take long till they entered the twins apartment, it was quite cold but it looked cozy.

Fred: "Alright, well we're here"

Fred walked out, dusting off soot from his shoulders and ruffling his hair

George: "I'm going to turn the heat on, it's bloody cold in here, Ele my room is down the hall to the left, you can put your stuff in there"

Ele: "Okay"

Ele walked down to George's room, She was quite surprised to how clean it was, the walls were a dark red, he had lots of posters, his bed was neatly made with a thick grey blanket and pillows on it, next to his bed he had a round night table with a small green lamp, across his room was his desk that consisted of a few books and a lot of paper work for the shop, she placed her suitcase next to his closet then went and sat on the end of his bed.

George: "Hey darling"

Ele: "Hi"

He came and sat next to her on the bed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and trailing his thumb across her bottom lip, He kissed her jawline then down the neck.

George "You smell good" he whispered

He moved his hand down her body to her pants, unbuttoning them, he went to rubbing Ele's thigh, still kissing her neck, she was moaning softly to his touch, He picked her up to place her sitting on his thigh.

George: "I want you to ride my thigh, you understand" he whispered into her ear as he started to guide her hips in a back and forth motion, Ele bit her lip, hearing George be so dominant gave her butterflies.

Ele: "George, isn't fre-"

George: "He's down is the shop, he won't hear anything, I mean what's so wrong if he does hear us"

Merlin, this man knows what he's doing

Ele: "Fuck George"

George: "It feels good doesn't it, just when you ride my thigh, you must be so wet" he cooed into her ear

He picked her up placing her down on the bed

George: "Let's get these pants off love"

He pulled them off starting to kiss Ele's inner thighs

George: "How quiet can those pretty lips of yours stay" he exclaimed, ripping her underwear off

Ele: "Georgie I-"

She was unable to form words, she craved him to do anything to her at this point, He examined the position she was in, and he made his mind up quickly, He brought his lips back down to her thighs, He touched his tongue to her clit, leaving every bit of her untouched, Ele's stomach was filled with butterflies, He was hitting all the right spots which made her go crazy, she was biting her lip very hard, trying to contain her moans.

Ele: "Mmm"

Her legs started to shake as his pace with his tongue increased

Fred: "Hey George" a voice rang from the other end of the apartment

Shit, George grabbed his wand pointing it at the door, it shut with a loud thud and locked, Footsteps grew louder towards the door.

George: "Fuck" He groaned

Ele shoved her face into the pillow trying to contain her moans

George: "Here" He threw a blanket on top of her, wiping his mouth

George: "Fred probably needs something" he came and kissed Ele on her forehead

Ele: "Georgie" She whined

Fred knocked at the door

George: "I'm so sorry darling, I'll make it up to you later" he unlocked the door and walked out

She heard mumbling from the hall

Fred: "What are you two doing, why did the door slam"

George: "It was nothing mate, what's up" He replied as they walked towards the stairs, Ele wasn't even finished and he just left her like that, Merlins beard she was pissed.


The twins were down in the shop the whole day and Ele was up in the apartment, She was reading one of the books from George's room, a tapping sound suddenly came from the window, it was an owl with a big brown bag, she went to open the window and took the package, there was a note attached.

< hi darling, I've cooked you three some food since it's your first day back, I'm assuming you haven't ate anything all day so I hope this helps -Molly >

In the bag were some burgers

Ele: "Hey boys, your mum sent some food, come up and eat!!"

Fred: "We'll be up soon!"

Ele set up the dining table with some plates and glasses.

George: "Hey, what did she send?"

Ele: "Burgers"

Fred: "Sounds good"

The three of them were all laughing and eating, talking about school memories.

Fred: "Hey remember that one time I beat up malfoy for insulting mum"

George: "Yeah, should've done worse" he replied with a grin on his face

Fred: "Wait hold up, Ele didn't you use to have a crush on Malfoy?"

Ele: "Uuh no"

Fred: "Oh come on, you did, I always noticed you gawking at him during lunch"

Ele: "Fred just shut up" her cheeks grew red and her stomach started to turn

Even tho she had a crush on George for years, she had a thing for Draco as well, but George always meant more to her, the tension at the table was off, George seemed quieter after Fred brought up Draco

Fred: "You know Ele, you don't have to hide anything from us, if you liked Malfoy then it's fine, like come on you can't say you didn't have a thing with him"

Ele: "What are you talking about, I never had a thing with Him" her voice became pitched

Fred: "Well you always would sneak off at night to go meet up with him"

Ele: "So you were spying on me, h-how do you know I was going out for malfoy"

Ele started to get irritated, it felt like Fred was doing this on purpose

George: "Just shut it mate" He mumbled under his breath to his brother, Ele glanced both at them for a few seconds, Fred was looking at Ele, George was staring at his plate.

Ele: "I think I'm done eating"

She got up from the table and marched to George's room shutting the door behind her and locking it.

Fred: "I don't see what her problem is, I was only joking"

George: "I'm going to go for a walk"

Fred: "Great"

George left and Fred was now all alone.

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