Chp 17. We lay apart

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Ele woke up the next morning, her stomach turned as she sat up, George was already up, tending to Fred, Ele got dressed in black jeans, a sweater and a pair of brown boots.

Ele: "Are you ready" she asked George

George: "Yup" he replied as he put on a beanie

Ele: Fred we're going out to find Caroline" she kneeled down next to him on the couch brushing his hair away from his eyes

Fred: "Mmkay, be careful" He spoke in a quiet tone still half asleep

Ele looked at George and he nodded for them to leave.


George: "Take my arm"

She gripped George's arm and they disapparated out front of the shop. They landed in front of a small house in the middle of a field

Ele: "where are we?"

George: "Wiltshire, this is where Caroline lives" He responded as he knocked three times on the door

Ele: "Draco lives in Wiltshire" she said to herself as she stared out at the landscape

after a minute gone by no one had answered, George took out his wand and pointed it at the lock

George: "Alohomora"

the door unlocked and they entered, Caroline's house was quite interesting, the rooms were in a circular shape, the walls looked of a mustard yellow and she had a purple couch

Ele: "Woah"

George: "it doesn't look like she's here" he said

Ele checked her bedroom, George was right, she wasn't here

Ele: "Where do you think she could be?"

George stood there pondering

George: "The shrieking shack, remember, she always use to go there to get away from things, to be alone"

Ele: "Oh yeah, I remember"

Caroline always had a strange liking to the shrieking shack, it wasn't a place where most witches or wizards would've liked to go, Ele guessed Caroline was never afraid of the place.


They disapparated into Hogsmeade and made their way to the shrieking shack

Ele: "I can't believe its still standing" she spoke to George

George: "Yeah"

Ele: "You aren't scared are you" she questioned him as she held out her hand

George: "Not at all" he said as he took his hand out his pocket and grabbed hers

They headed towards the shack, it looked very unpleasant and old, Ele pushed open the door and drew her wand, The place was very dusty and there creeped spiders in every corner, Ele could've sworn she heard something like a rat

Ele: "Caroline" she called out

The place was quiet, only the sound of wind rustling through was present and the creaking floor boards every time they took a step

Ele: "Why is it that no one is ever downstairs in these type of situations" she pointed out

George chuckled

George: "Lets check upstairs"

They slowly made their way upstairs

Ele: "Shh, do you hear that" she stopped in their tracks

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