Chp 20. The shrieking shack

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Ele stood at the front door of the shrieking shack, her heart was racing, her hands were cold, she held her wand tightly.

She slowly opened the door, the place was cold and dusty as usual, slowly making her way upstairs, she took a deep breath in and out before entering the room.

Ele: "Everything will be fine" she whispered to herself

To Ele's surprise, Caroline stood there looking out the window

Caroline: "You came" she said softly

She turned around and she looked horrid, she was as pale as a ghost, dark circles under her eyes, her hair unusually frizzy.

Ele: "Oh Caroline"

Caroline: "I've missed you"

A smile crossed her face

Ele: "What happened to you, why are you like this"

Caroline: "Its complicated" she said

Ele: "What do you mean by that"

Caroline looked back out the window and Ele paused for a second before she walked up next to her, Ele hesitated as Caroline turned her head towards her

Caroline: "You need to run Ele, before he takes you"

Ele: "Who wants to take me?"

Caroline: "I can't say"

Ele: "Caroline, you need to tell me"

She shook her head slowly

Ele: "Is it Draco"

She was silent and still for a moment then shut her eyes

Caroline: "Yes" she breathed out

Ele: "Bloody hell"

Caroline: "I don't know what to do Ele, I keep killing people and I try so hard not to" her voice was shaky

Ele looked at Caroline and her eyes started to tear up

Caroline: "Ele.. I need you to kill me"

Ele: "What- No, I'm not going to do that"

Caroline: "You have to! It's the only way that all of this will stop, I'm tired, I can't do this anymore" she pleaded

Ele: "I don't want to, Caroline I'll find a way to save you"

Caroline: "There's no saving me"

Ele: "Caroline"

Caroline: "I'm sorry Eleanore, this is the only way, Brachiabindo"

Ropes wrapped around Ele and she fell to the ground

Ele: "NO!"

Caroline stepped onto the edge of the window and jumped

Ele: "Emancipare"

The ropes loosened, Ele got to her feet and ran as fast as she could down the stairs to outside, and there she was on the ground, not moving

Ele: "Caroline! Please! No!... Periculum"

She sent red flares into the sky, hoping someone would notice and come, and as she hoped aurors apparated around them in a flash, One of them came up behind Ele

?: "Hey Eleanore, shhh it's okay, come with me"

Ele: "No" she sobbed out

The auror disapparated them away, she found herself in an office, sitting in a chair, her shirt covered in tears, she couldn't stop crying.

Ele: "Where am i" She managed to say

?: "You're in the ministry of magic" the auror spoke

Ele wiped her eyes and her vision cleared

The auror who had taken her was sitting at the edge of his desk, he had deep brown eyes and beautiful blonde hair like his sister

Ele: "Mitch"

She sprung from her seat and hugged him

Ele: "I'm so sorry"

Mitch: "Don't be, it's not your fault"

Ele: "She's dead, Caroline's dead"

He hugged her back as tight as he could.


Ele was questioned for the next couple of hours, she was able to call George and tell him what happened, Fred knows nothing, they're not sure how to tell him.

Female auror: "You're free to go home miss pawn"

Ele: "Thank you"

She told them everything, they said they were to bring Draco Malfoy in for questioning, that's all

Mitch: "Eleanore hey, I'm assigned to take you home, if that's all right with you"

Ele: "Yeah"


George hugged Ele and kissed her cheek when she came in the door

George: "Thank you Mitch for bringing her back, i uh, I'm sorry for your loss"

Mitch: "She was my sister, always reckless but brave, she did what she had to do I assume"

George: "Yeah, just wish there was another way, she shouldn't have died like that"

Mitch smiled and walked away.

Ele sat on the steps with her head in her hands, George kneeled in front taking her hands in his

George: "Why did you go, why didn't you tell me"

Ele: "I couldn't, you would've stopped me"

George: "Yes I would've"

Ele: "It's my fault she's dead"

George: "No, It's not, Ele, that bastard Malfoy did this, he killed Caroline, he is trying to ruin you by hurting the ones you're close to so that when you're finally alone he'll be there for you-"

Ele: "He wants me to be his, is that it, that's what he fucking wants"

Fred: "You guys okay?"

George and Ele turned their heads

Ele: "Fred"

Wle started to tear up again

Fred: "Why you crying Ele, what happened"

George: "Fred, mate uhm- Caroline is dead, she jumped out of a window in the shrieking shack"

Fred went still, it looked as all the joy drained from his eyes

Fred: "No, tell me you're lying" he said, forcing out a laugh

Ele: "It's true"

Fred: "No"

Fred stormed past them out of the door

George: "FRED, fuck Ele I'm sorry"

George ran out after him.


The fireplace flamed green and Hermione came through

Hermione: "Ele, I heard what happened, I can't believe it, I'm so sorry"

Ele got up to hug her just when George walked in

George: "What are you doing here Hermione"

Hermione: "I came to check on Ele and you and Fred"

Ele: "Where's Fred?"

George: "He disapparated, i don't know where he went"

George looked unpleasant and Ele could feel her stomach start to turn

Ele: "I need some air"

George: "Ele"

She walked out to the back field, leaving Hermione and George, she laid in the grass looking up at the sky

Ele: "why" she whispered to herself.

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