Chapter 12

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Eddy walks to their dinner table, the clack of his formal shoes on their pristine floor. Besides the clinking of silverware, there was only silence. Eddy could feel the tense atmosphere, not knowing how to break it. His parents' eyes follow his every movement towards them, until he finally sits down.

"How are you, son?"

"I'm good, Father." 

I'm happier than I can ever be with Brett, but I know you can always manage to change that.

"That's good, that's good. I'm pretty sure you have an idea on why we asked you here, right?"

Eddy sighs, because he had every single idea on why he was called.

"Yes, Mother. Now can we get this over with already?"

"No need to be disrespectful, son. But yes, let's discuss this now."

"Eddy, dear, you have to marry as soon as possible." Eddy's mom said, looking at his son and examining his face. 

"Is there any particular reason why I need to marry soon?" Eddy asked calmly, not wanting to upset his parents because the way his mom said it was so serious. 

"Edward, I'm going to cut it short. I am sick. I'm dying and I will need you to take over. But before I go I want to see your child." Eddy's dad had said solemnly. 

Eddy knows that he cannot disagree. It doesn't matter now, if he doesn't finish his pre-med course. He has to take over the company earlier than he had thought. 

"Papa, I accept. I will leave my pre-med and marry Stephany. I will marry her and make sure you have a grandchild. Please hang on, okay? I can't lose you yet..." Eddy said, the words slipping off of his lips quite painfully. 

"Of course, son. I'm glad we finally agreed on something." 

The dinner was tense after that. Eddy knows that he had no choice. He has to marry Stephany and have a grandchild. He doesn't mind, really. 

But Brett, oh God, Brett. 

The love of his life, his rock, his stabilizer; he will have to leave him. Eddy has to leave Brett. After a year and a half of a relationship, he will have to leave Brett. It hurts. 

Eddy does not want to admit it but he needs to break it off. Maybe, just maybe, even if he loves Brett, his family will be more important for him.

Eddy really doesn't want to, all of him screams no, but the world screams back. After all, that's how the world works, doesn't it? Cruelly.

He rehearses his words again and again, and as one word slips to another, his heart only breaks further.

His love for Brett is extreme, it's beyond anything, but maybe his family meant more. Was it his family? He didn't know. It could've been his reputation or his sanity or whatever it could've been, but he didn't know. He didn't know what to do, what to say, what to feel. All he knows is that they can't last.

"Brett, we have to talk." Eddy said, as soon as he entered their shared bedroom. 

"Yes, Eddy?" Brett asked happily, not wanting to indulge in sadness. 

Okay, here it goes. Eddy thought as he repeated his speech on his mind. 

"Brett, I have to be honest. Please forgive me for what I'm about to say but, we should break up." 

Brett was absolutely crushed. He knew this would happen, but he didn't expect it to be this early. So, he kept calm and took a deep breath. Eddy was already crying. 

"It's okay, but can I know the reason, though?" 

Eddy cried more at that. 

"I don't love you, anymore... Brett, there's someone else. I think I love Stephany. I really didn't want to believe it but I love her. Much more than I love you." 

Eddy's heart felt heavy. His mind can trick him into saying these words but his heart? His heart cannot lie even if it means he's killing himself. 

"Oh, is that so? Look, Eddy. Please don't cry... I forgive you. Just don't forget, okay? I'm still your best friend, don't worry. You wouldn't lose me. I'm actually glad you told me instead of cheating on me." Brett said, comforting Eddy. 

Maybe it's true what they say, the mind could lie over and over and over again but the heart, the heart never lies. Brett didn't want to cry because Eddy would cry harder. He hated seeing Eddy cry. 

Still, the night was young but Eddy cannot help but cry and mourn out. He definitely didn't deserve Brett and his love. Brett could only comfort Eddy but not himself. It was probably a deeper scar that he could imagine. 

Still, Brett does what he does best. He listened, extended an arm out, comforted Eddy and stayed there, his heart crying out for help but he cannot cry. It's like he's back to square one. Who was Brett Yang to be with Eddy Chen anyway? He was just nothing. 

Well, not exactly nothing but he's just a best friend. Nothing more or less. He was back at the position he doesn't want but it's what Eddy gave him. 

And Brett? Brett was willing to be anything for Edward Chen, even if it means being a martyr. Even if it means knowing his love without the ability to keep it forever. 

He will be anything to Eddy but he will never be the younger's husband.

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