Chapter 14

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Brett watches in his chair as the newlyweds sway from side to side across the floor. Franck’s Violin Sonata playing in the air. It was a sweet melody, you could feel it’s grandiosity from its harmony, but you could feel the sorrow too. It’s melodies tug at Brett’s heartstrings, and how the view in front of him does too. Hand in hand, dancing to the music.

A dance he can’t have, not now, not ever. He can only watch, because now that Stephany’s here, he’s only a mere passerby now. A spectator, someone who can never be involved in the scene. He didn’t deserve to be part of it anyway. A grand scene, spectacular, all things beautiful, he can’t be in it. He is a simple man, and beside Eddy he is no one. Eddy’s a well-praised man, successful, important, and Brett thinks he has a place in his life? He knows he doesn’t. Not at all.

The piece drags out and Brett commends Eddy for the beautiful choice of repertoire. It simply fit Eddy's taste and lifestyle. It was romantic, grand and beautiful. The imagery that it reminded Brett of was the warmth of gold blended with red, it was like his home. Something seemed to change though, as red was overtaking his senses. His sight, the heat, the taste on his mouth is metallic like blood, the smell of blood and the sound of red. Brett did not have synesthesia but it made sense.

Maybe it was his heart bleeding out in pain.

Timing took him out of his misery. The piece ended and his thoughts were cut off by the clap of the crowd watching them. Seeing their clothes and jewellery, it reminded Brett of where he stands in Eddy's life. He was only bowing down to Eddy's foot, they could never ever be equal.

This is where the idea comes in. Brett might never have Eddy again but he could prove to him that he could be someone who's deserving of Eddy and the Chen's. He was supposed to reject the offer but now, he can't seem to do so.

If this is the way that he could prove himself above what they had ever expected, then he will gladly leave and travel the world as a soloist. It might be a good way to distance himself from Eddy. He just can't bring himself to see Eddy happy in someone else's arms. He is ready to leave home if it means finding himself doing the right thing for Eddy.

A pining best friend is not what Eddy needed. He needed one that could truly be happy for him. So, he started easy. He took Stephany's hand and asked her to dance with him. Brett was not a dancer but he would do it just to get his message for her across.

They were on the dance floor and he held her delicately like glass.

He holds her more delicately than ever even though it seems as he’s the one to break. Yet he should not break right now, this is a crucial moment. The Maiden’s Prayer plays in the background, a simple melody, a beautiful piece. It feels agitated, yet peaceful. It’s quick in tempo yet it pulls the time. It’s a small prayer, a wish.

Hopefully I can let go.

“Steph, take care of him for me, alright? I know he’s in great hands, it’s you, after all. Get him his allergy medicines when he forgets, he always does. Hug him when he’s on the verge of breaking down, you know how much he loves it. I know you know all of this already, but do it for me, yeah? I won’t be there to do them anymore. Thank you, Steph. My best regards to you two.”

Brett leaves the dance floor just as the piece ends. The last notes of the piece linger in the air, the feeling of letting go still all over.

After a few moments, the speeches were about to come. Brett was nervous but he did not need to worry about it. So, he clinked his knife with the champagne flute. It was gentle but the sound was loud enough to get the attention of the room. Brett cleared his throat and started his speech.

"It has been ten years since I met little Eddy Chen with a mullet on math's tuition. It was quite a funny story. I am a classical musician so my first instinct was to think of a piece that suits him. Basically my first impression of him but as a piece. Weirdly, I was learning this piece by Ravel, it's called Tzigane. The complexity of it and the technical difficulty of it, it was like the enigmatic Eddy Chen." 

This gets him a few laughs.

"Anyway, fast forward to ten years later, he's finally getting married to the woman of his dreams. It's beautiful, their union. They were made of each other and Eddy Chen had grown to be like a little brother to me.  So, I only wish for Stephany to be like a little sister to me. Let's have a toast for them. For the newlyweds!"

They all have a toast and the newlyweds kiss again. There's something about Eddy's smile that makes Brett disappointed.

He was truly happy with her that he was not needed anymore.

Brett looks towards them and sees the two busy chatting with their relatives. A smile on their faces, glowing radiantly of happiness. You can hear the loud chatter in the background, as well as a few chuckles that come out from them, happiness filling them to the brim. Arms looped around one another, reminding Brett of a bond that has been sealed. It’s about time he left them, all alone and happy, together with each other. No one in between.

He takes one last glance before he leaves, in hopes of Eddy looking back. Hoping Eddy will plead him to stay. Except for the fact that that was selfish and completely unrealistic. Eddy doesn’t look back, and Brett knows he won’t because he has nothing to look back to if he’s the view.

He slips away from the ballroom and no one seems to notice. He feels relieved that no one does yet it still stings. No one notices because he’s insignificant. Even to Eddy, he’s insignificant and he knows, not even the slightest.

So, Brett left the building but remained outside of it. Tears were filling his eyes, the ones he had been holding for hours now. He wasn't supposed to cry but the gleam of their wedding rings reflect the glimmering future of their lives. Brett was going to see the same glimmer soon.

He dialed a number that he never thought he would dial and put his phone up his ear. It was ringing but in the moment the familiar voice rings through his ears, he was a bit relieved.

"Hello, yes, I'm ready to go to New York... Yes, I will debut at Carnegie Hall... Thank you."

He hung up and wiped his tears away. He will soon be away from this pain. Edward Chen will now be happy without Brett Yang getting in the way. It was better this way.

Brett Yang will prove himself worthy of being a soloist and most importantly, he will prove to Eddy that he could be more than what Eddy's family thinks of him.

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