Chapter 5

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Ciel woke up sweating a breathing heavily. He had a nightmare about the mansion burning again. He blames it on the constantly burnt food his imbecile chef cooks for him.

Looking around the room he noticed that its still dark. That might be because the curtains are closed though.

Groaning he stood up and stretched. His back cracked due to being tense during his sleep.

He walks over and peeks out the curtain noticing that the moon is still high and the wind is blowing slightly.

He yawns quietly and strides back to bed hoping to escape the cold night air that attacked his legs outside the blanket.

Shuffling under the blankets quickly, Ciel stares at the ceiling only to have his thoughts and flashes of the nightmare haunt his mind.

His hands clutch the blanket closer to his chin as he tried to erase his thoughts. A noise at the window startles him but he assumes that its just an animal or a tree.

'I wonder why it's so windy..' Ciels mind started to wander to far creepier things than the wind.

'You know it's not the wind Ciel. It's not a tree branch at your window either. Plus dont be an idiot you have no trees even near your window. Someone's out there.. go take a look!' The voice in Ciels head told him.

Slowly, Ciel removed the blankets off his body and got out of bed.

He walked closer to the window and jumped when he heard a noise again.

He moved the curtains over to look out his window only to be met with a dark face.

Ciel screamed and jumped back.

The face was unidentifiable and was extremely creepy.

His bedroom doors flew open and Sebastian ran through the doors.

"Young Master, I heard you scream. Are you alright?!" Sebastian asked frantically.

Ciel pointed towards the window as Sebastian looked out it. Sebastian could sense that a presence of someone with a dark aura had been there.

"There's no one there bocchan. Your fine. But I didnt think you were the type to get freaked out easily." Sebastian stated smugly with a smirk.

Ciel glared at Sebastian.

"There was someone looking through my window! Of course I'd be freaked out!" Ciel started shivering from the cold.

Sebastian glided over to Ciel and picked him up bridal style whe walking towards the bed.

He placed Ciel into his bed and smiled down lightly.

"Bocchan you really must get your rest, so do try and sleep." Sebastian said and went to get up and leave, until he felt a small hand grab his wrist.

"Stay?" Ciel whispered sounding small. His eye peering up at Sebastian cutely.

Sebastian nodded and had a certain gleam in his eye tat Ciel could t exactly figure out what it was.

Ciel nodded tiredly back and scooted over to give Sebastian some room.

Sebastian laid down next to Ciel and Ciel yawned and snuggled into him.

Sebastian whispered a goodnight and Ciel fell asleep in Sebastian's arms.


It's short. Basically a night with Ciel the cutie patootie ayyeeeee ;) comment a like maybe even follow me for notifications yaaaay

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