Chapter 9

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*Ciels P.O.V*

Shocked was an understatement. Ciel was completely caught off guard from what Elizabeth had said. The room was silent for about 20 seconds before Sebastian broke the silence.

"Well.. I must say, that was completely, and utterly interesting. Tea?"

Ciel sat up and fixed his shirt and hair. "Yes um, that would be great. Lizzy?"

"Yes please. Dear lord, I need a chair." She announced as she fell heavily onto a bench fanning herself with her hand. 

Sebastian exited the room to prepare the tea as I sat there gathering myself again, still half shocked at the blonde haired girl sitting before me. Coughing slightly, I got up and de-ruffled my clothing. 

"Lets head down to the dining area.. and um, talk about this."

Elizabeth got up from her seat happily, and bounced out of the room with her curls flowing after. Ciel continued to stare in amazement, before he zoned back in and followed in suit, still in utter disbelief. 


As we entered the dining room, Sebastian had just brought in the cart with tea, placing a cup out for each of us. Lizzy was looking excited, as we all took a seat. 

"So um, Elizabeth.." I started, "You know, you mustn't tell anybody of what you just saw. Right?" Elizabeth nodded solemnly in agreement. "We really do trust that you wouldn't tell. So um, yes, how about an oath just to be sure? Sebastian?" 

"Yes my lord." Sebastian walked up to Elizabeth who looked completely ready and a little sad. Sebastian began to tell her what to do, and she completed the oath properly as a pact and was sworn to secrecy. 

Elizabeth still looked ready to bounce through the ceiling. "So, will you two tell me how this started? I absolutely am in love with the idea of you both together." 

Ciel glanced at Sebastian who glanced back at him. "We, well, it just happened? I don't know. We both wanted it, so that's all there really is to it." Sebastian made a noise of agreement. 

Elizabeth stared at us with a look we couldn't quite place. "Alright." She beamed at us. "This is so great though, I really cannot believe that this has happened. Well I knew it would happen but you know." She laughed and smiled brightly. "I best be off, you two lovers can spend some quality time with each other. I blush brightly and look down, standing up.

I walked her to the door and she smiled graciously and grabbed my arm. "This truly is great. See you both soon for a picnic perhaps!" And with that she was off.


I sat in my study, and worked on signing some pages for a business. Sighing heavily I turned my chair around and looked out the window. 'I wonder where Sebastian went off to after Lizzy left. Its only be 2 hours but still. 

Hearing the door creak open, I smile to myself only to be disappointed seeing it was just a breeze moving it. Looking down at my work I frown. 'This is completely boring.. why would anyone want to do this?' Quickly finishing up the work, I set it in a pile and decided to walk around the gardens to see how its looking.

Arriving at the gardens I feel the slight breeze and smile. The smell of roses is strong and very beautiful. I notice Sebastian trimming them and realize he was probably fixing a mistake one of the other servants made. I walk up to him.

"Where have you been?" I ask him with a slight blush, but try not to give away that I missed him.

He quirks an eyebrow. "Oho, missed me? Also what was it you said to Lizzy? 'We both wanted it'? So you have been liking everything.." I flush at that.

Stuttering, I make out a small squeak and turn around. I feel his arms wrap around my waist and I breathe in slightly and look up. The sun is shining on his ebony hair and I really just want his handsome face to kiss me. 'Stop being a soppy git.' I tell myself.

Sebastian spins me around in his arms and hugs me close and whispers into my ear, "So, I guess I haven't told you but.. I've been able to hear everything you've thought of since the beginning." I blush and slap his chest.

"You- you! How dare you invade my private thoughts!" I squirm in his arms while he chuckles.

"I believe you wanted a kiss from my, 'handsome face'?" He grabs my chin lightly and I stare into his eyes. His face is getting closer and I feel his lips press mine as my eyes flutter closed. I grip the back of his shirt and breathe all of his intoxicating scent in. 

Our lips mingle together and he pulls back leaving me in a daze. "Time for bed, bocchan." He says as he takes my hand and we enter the mansion again. 

"Will you sleep with me?" I ask. "My bed might be a little cold alone.."

"Alright bocchan." He smirks and nods, and we fall asleep together.


I think I'll end this book here. I might take it back up in the future but my life has been very complicated in the past year. So, maybe when its settled down, I can make it longer. 

Don't get rid of this story yet though guys, cause chances are I will probably completely finish it!

See you soon(:

Just For A Moment *SebaCiel*Where stories live. Discover now