Prologue | Prologue

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* This is a picture of her scythe. I do not own this picture, creds to the artist that made this.*

750+ years ago...

Luna didn't know what was going on, in the past few minutes she had no control, whatsoever over the situation at hand. No control. She didn't know what stumped her more, the fact that Gerheade had just shoved her two tiny fairy children who were now dangling from her like koalas or that Gerheade just guilt-tripped her into agreeing to take care of both of them.

Life was out of control.

The two children; the younger one, the girl, had blonde hair and big brown doe eyes that would make any human meltdown inside if they stared at her. Her name was Elaine. Then came the older boy, who was an absolute, definite troublemaker. He too had big brown eyes, but his hair was a rich light brown color. He had one of those goofy troublemaker smiles on his face that made Luna want to check her things in case he stole any. His name was Harlequin.

When she first heard that those two were born of the sacred tree and the boy was to be the fairy king, she nearly spat her water out. "What?" She had asked Gerheade, who only nodded while grimacing when she saw Harlequin chew on her dress. She will admit that she didn't have high hopes for them in the beginning. However, over time Luna had grown a soft spot for the two children. She had never had such a close relationship with anyone in the past, she was always training and practicing her powers, well maybe except......

No, moving on. It has been exactly 100 years since she was guilt-tripped into taking care of these children, honestly, she was thankful for Greheade for this chance. The female fairy (Greheade) had been one of her companions that stood by her side when she was at rock-bottom, when she was unstable.

Over time, she had grown a lovely older sibling relationship with the new king of the fairies and his sister Elaine. However, the day when the fairy king left the forest, was when it all fell apart. When Harlequin learned that Helbram and the other fairies have been taken captive, he didn't even hesitate to chase after them. Now it's been weeks since the fairy king disappeared, there was no one to take their place, and Elaine is wilting by the day.

"LUNA!" She heard someone scream, she turned to find Elaine flying towards her and tackling her, pouring her emotions out, "I- I can't f-find my brother, i-it's been weeks s-since he d-disa-appeared." Luna brought her arms around her, despite being still quite young (by goddess standards) and still not really knowing how to empathize with people, she tried her best into calming her down.

"I'm sure he is going to return Elaine," Luna said softly, "I will be here with you guarding the fountain of youth, you are not alone." She could feel the young girl nodding her head and sighed in relief knowing that she said the right things. Elaine clutched on her figure and just stayed in that position for hours.

A subtle timeskip (not)

During some time in the middle of the 700 years that Harlequin left, Luna remembered visiting Elaine and caught her giggling at some white-haired, fox-like bandit. She really disliked him at first, but then he grew on the both of them, Elaine especially. It was only in a matter of days that the innocent fairy had fallen hard for the guy. He also returned her feelings, to Elaine's delight (she nearly flew a mile in the air), that he stated 'I could no longer hide'.

"Elaine, loving someone is dangerous," She said to the blonde girl when Ban was gone to get some fruit, "Even having friends is dangerous, you never know if they could backstab you or be a renegade."

"But Ban is not like that!" Elaine pleaded with her, she looked at Luna with those innocent doe eyes of hers, and Luna felt herself feeling sympathy towards the girl. She reminded Luna so much of her younger self that it hurt to disagree.

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