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*um think of this as a sort of Christmas special ig, idk if xmas is a thing in SDS cuz the whole thing with demons and goddesses but just pretend that they do :)*

Luna didn't want to leave her room. 

She was still caught up in a whirlwind of emotions, not only from that dream but from the other memory that popped up in her head the moment she remembered him. It went something like this. 


Luna was worried. 

Gloxinia had been gone for the entirety of two days and he didn't even bother to tell her what he was doing. Luna didn't know if he had forgotten that it was Christmas or that he purposely didn't want to spend it with her. But anyhow, she still thought that it was weird of him to leave her for the whole day, disappearing without a trace. 

It was certainly suspicious, yes.

He had never done that before, and she was getting concerned. Moreover, that it was suspicious of him not to talk to her for two whole days, it was Christmas eve for heaven's sake and he even promised to have dinner with her. Was he doing something else or rather, meeting up with someone else? No, he wouldn't, she trusts him. All this overthinking was doing no good to her brain. She wondered if he knew that she was waiting for him. That she had been sitting in this chair for more than two hours, with nothing to do than fiddle with her fingers.

But what was she sitting there for?

Oh right. 

Gloxinia had told her to meet him at their house in the fairy realm just before the moon lilies bloom, but she has been waiting for nearly two hours and her patience for him was running thinner by the minute. Luna puffed out her cheeks and released a long-awaited sigh, but just before she got up and decided to find her lousy excuse of a lover, the door banged open. 

The fairy king's wings were just as magnificent as ever, the rainbow color patterns were even more beautiful under the festival's lights, almost as if they were glowing. He flew towards the goddess, smiling apologetically as he saw the annoyed expression on her face. 

"Your late," Luna stated dryly, "I've been waiting for more than two hours..." she trailed off her sentence with a look at him, her silver eyes locked with his demanding an explanation. 

"Ah- sorry about that," Gloxinia raised his outstretched hand towards Luna, smiling in content as she huffed at him but still place her hand in his, "I didn't expect that it would take so long." 

"What is it?" 

"Huh? Oh, you'll find out in a moment, but..." He held something in his hand, Luna stared at it in question, "Do you trust me?" He asked her. 


"Great." He then proceeded to wrap the black cloth, which Luna now recognized as a blindfold, around her head, covering her eyes, "I have a surprise for you, but I can't let you see just yet." 

Luna's whole body tensed up as she felt a pair of arms lift her up in an embrace, one holding her back and another underneath her legs. But she soon relaxed as she recognized Gloxinia's familiar scent, she apprehensively nestled her head in his chest and she heard a laugh resonate from him. She felt him brush a strand of hair behind her ear, his soft fingertips tracing on her face. 

"Trust me," She heard him say, "I won't let you fall." 

All her sense of gravity was lost as she felt him soar into the air, his wings behind him flapping swiftly. She could hear all the noises of the celebration below, of how all the fairies were singing and laughing together but their voices soon became fainter and fainter as they flew higher up in the air. 

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