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"No," Luna told him as she walked towards him, "I know I can destroy you."

Even in her long lifetime, Luna had never seen any grey demon in the form of a human. It was weird, he had more power than the average grey demon, but was still outmatched by a long shot.

"Whoever harms my little brother," Luna said, pointing her staff at the demon, "Will answer to me."

Luna raised her hands propelling the staff upwards, it stopped in mid-air and spun around creating dark shadows. "Moon rune: Wrath of the dark moon!" Dark shadow blades surrounded the hooded figure, Luna stretched her hands up then left them to draw a quarter of a circle in the air.

The blades sort of created a semicircle on the hill where she stood. All aimed at the demon. However, the demon looked down at her, like he was provoking her, and had the audacity to ask "Do you really think that those useless blades can harm me? I'm--"

She gritted her teeth, the demon blood really made him an egomaniac, she was starting to get very annoyed...... Humans, so arrogant, thinking that a few drops of demon blood will make you the strongest in the world. Wait till you actually fight a war with them where the grey and red demons are only the footsoldiers.

Luna brought her arms forward, sending the whole assortment of lethal weapons at him, effectively shutting his mouth up.

He looked like a rag doll with thousands of needles piercing through him over and over again. She let herself have a peek over at Meliodas, wanting to see his reaction. She saw the irk mark appear on his head when he made eye contact as if he was saying: Do you really have to steal my thunder?

Well, to be honest, only half of the reason why she was fighting this monster in the first place was because of the demon hurting Harlequin. The other half, well......maybe she just wanted to a little power?

Only a little.

She promised Merlin not to reveal her to the demon race......yet. And she intended on keeping that. Just as she was a bit lost in her thoughts, the demon chose this time to pull his attack.

"Dark snow."

Purple dots of 'snow' popped up around him, increasing every second. The most common move of the grey demons. The demon-man then set it out flying at everyone on the battlefield.

"Don't let the snow touch you!" She heard someone shout, "One touch is instant death!"

Luna began drawing a rune in the air, every movement seemed to leave a line of light behind. She spread her hands on the rune, "Moon rune: Aegis!" A shield of light formed above the holy knights still left, protecting them from the 'instant death'

"Well girl," The grey demon said as he wiped off some blood dripping from his mouth, "I must say, you surprised me, but" He raised his hand sucking in all the dark dots from before and combining them into one, like a vacuum, "You cannot destroy me, now 'Dead end!'"

The black vacuum of energy which looked increasingly like a cell diagram that Luna remembered seeing with Merlin, enlarged as it demolished everything in its way, coming nearer by the second.

"Diana!" Meliodas yelled towards her, "Get out of the way! I can....wait wHAt?"

Luna ignored the blond-haired boy and swung her staff, slashing at the attack coming towards her,


A blinding white light encased the whole field, making the attack sent seem like a small black spot in comparison. Purge, the technique used by the goddess race to erase evil lingering anywhere. The force of the blow overcame 'dead end' and sent the demon back, but not killing him.

"Humans are so fragile don't you think?" Luna said and she swung her staff again releasing another wave of light, this time successfully hitting the demon, delivering the final killing blow. The attack was so powerful that it created a tornado of light, Luna standing in the eye, blasting the demon again and again. His skin started peeling off, the wind blowing his shriveled skin ash away.

"I cannot be defeated," The hu-demon said as he slowly disintegrated to ash, "Not by the likes of yOu-----"

He exploded into dust, a grey cloud of ash drifted down to the ground. The only thing left of the demon was the particles that swayed in the air. Luna willed her staff to change into her hairpin and delicately pinned it back onto her head.

Right now, Luna didn't care about the people staring at her or Bartra thanking her or Merlin's appearance in her......actual body. Luna made her way in the direction of her little brother, who stared back at the hooded lady, his eyes in somewhat confusion. He floated in front of her, his eyes searching for anything familiar.

"You," He said slowly, "Why do I feel that you are so familiar?"

"Hello," Gowther interrupted stepping forwards, "By your appearance and weapon, I conclude that you are Diana the wonderer. The myth of the wondering magician that was trained by the goddess race."

An irk mark appeared on Luna's hooded head: seriously?

Trained by the goddess race? trained......humans, always getting things wrong. She thought bitterly, and to think that it was already the bottom line when they thought that she was a freaking magician. She opened her mouth to retort to that absolutely sacrilegious comment by Gowther, but Harlequin waved a hand up.

"Who are you?" He questioned, "Why are you so powerful? And why do you share the same power as her......unless......" It dawned on the little fairy king,

"Yes, Harlequin," Luna said, "It's been a while......"

She pushed her hood back, letting her soft sleek silver hair tumble down to her back. She had a circlet that was moon-shaped on her head, with a hairpin in the middle. She saw Harlequin look at her in recognition, his eyes suddenly lighting up.

"After 700 hundred years," She said as she embraced him, "I would have never imagined that you were here all along."

"I'm here big sis," He muttered into her shoulder, "I am so h-happy to s-see you!"

Luna knew he was crying when she felt her cloak feel damp on her shoulder, but she just chuckled and ran her fingers through his hair.

"Wait," Ban said as he took a closer glimpse of Luna, "You're King's sister?!"


"Yes Ban the sin of Greed, I am." Luna replied, "And before you ask me, yes, I still remember you."

Oh my god, this took me sooo long to write, I was just not happy with the first draft and decided to rewrite the whole thing again. S1 is coming to an end, and I'm probably just going, to sum up S2 in two long chapters. And sooo excited to start S3

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