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And just then, the demon chose to strike at her, he heaved up his fists and brought them down. Luna could have sworn she heard someone scream "watch out!"

Agilely dodging the crushing fists of the demon, she whipped around to face the voice and......and found......


Luna could not believe it.

Out of all of the places he could be. He joined the seven deadly sins?! And Ban, he was here too. Never in a million years, she thought she'd see the two of them again, fighting together no less.

"Hey, you!" Ban shouted to her, "Get outta here!"

Luna tilted her head, what was going on in this place? The last time she visited Liones (which was only a few months ago), it was still a functioning city and not a cesspit for demons. Her mind was starting to hurt, but just when she thought of something, a pair of hands grabbed her and pulled her away from the demon's swinging arms. She whirled around and glared at the guy, well, as much as she could when she could barely see under her hood......

With a clearer second look, he had a fair complexion, green-ish yellow hair came down to the back of his neck, he had a deep purple iris which stared down at her as he pushed her out of harm's way. He had a muscular strong build, She swatted his hands away from her.

"Don't touch me," she told him, "I could have handled that."

He stared at her and laughed, "You? But you're not even a holy knight. Sorry lady, but these demons," He gestured at the one Harlequin was fighting now, "Only the seven sins can take them down alone."

"Oh really?"

She smirked underneath her hood, then you humans have truly seen nothing. She summoned her sacred treasure: the scythe of darkness. Usually, it would be disguised as her hairpin on her head, ready to use whenever the situation arose. It immediately appeared in a staff form in her hand. She tapped the ground and the moonstone at the top of her weapon lit up.

Luna gave a sadistic smile, things were about to get bright. But still, it was a pity that it was daytime, she felt so very drained during the day. Her main source of energy was from the moon. Even though it is seen sometimes at certain times during the day, it was still very rare. However, she hoped that her power level right now will be enough to kill the crossbreed demons.

Luna focused her energy on her staff. All her powers to the top tip of the moonstone, she rose up into the air once again. With a silvery glow surrounding her, she ignored the number of eyes staring at her as she rose. This was not the time to distract yourself, then, she thrust her staff in the direction of the crossbreed demons.

"Moonlight: Destroy!" And like what happened to the hill, the demons were thrown back by the sheer force of the attack. The streak of light tore through three demons before slamming the fourth to a wall. Harlequin went to finish him off while the others just stood there gaping at her. Luna slowly drifted down, the light around her disappeared. There are too many complications, she thought, I need to know who is good and who is bad before I end up killing one of the good guys here. And right now, Liones is in an absolute mess, I can't even sense the kind here.

It was time to contact Merlin, she thought. To find out what the hell is going on.

Drawing a teleportation rune as she contacted Merlin mentally, ignoring the whispering of the civilians around her. She traced her staff in patterns across the ground and slammed it down to activate the rune, picturing the back of the castle.

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