The Dream Smp

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The rest of the day I was anxious, I tried to think of all the good things that would come of visiting my brothers world, new friends, new books, new sights. But the main thing on my mind was seeing my brother, he had a schedule that he always kept true to, he would visit me for 2 days once every 2 weeks and by this time it has been almost a month since I saw him, the only contact I had was with George, and when he stopped by it wasn't a necessarily "friendly" visit.

Most of the day I sat in my chair, reading my favorite books over again, with Patches nestled into my lap. I had gone through 2 books already and was almost finished with my third when I started to get hungry. I sighed and marked my spot, putting the book on my side table and standing, as I got up Patches jumped off my lamp, and trotted off somewhere. I grabbed the small pile of books that had gathered around me and picked them up, putting them each back in their places and ran my hand along the shelf.

'Don't be sad, your not going to leave forever, just... an untold amount of time' except I couldn't help but feel I wouldn't be back here for a long time. It saddened me, thinking that my poor animals would be here alone, don't get me wrong I knew they could take care of themselves but it wouldn't be the same. I pushed the negative thoughts out of my head as I walked back over, to head upstairs.

As I walked past rocking chair I turned off the lamp, and picked up the letter. I then made sure that everything that needed to be off was, and I headed up stairs. I walked to my closet and grabbed my night shirt and some comfortable pants. I sighed as I changed, putting my day clothes in my laundry. I walked over to be bed to find that Patches was curled up on my pillow, I smiled as I picked her up and laid down. I stared at my ceiling for a long time, sleep seemed impossible as this would be my last night in my home for who nows how long.

Eventually I was able to find sleep, I didn't get much thought as even in my sleep my fears taunted me, I dreamt of horrible things happening to myself and my home, to Dream, to Patches. But even so, I slept through the night, only to wake when the familiar bird calls woke me. I let out a groan as I got up, swinging my feet over the side of my bed and staring at the floor, I put my face in my hands and rested my elbows on my knees trying to calm myself "Lilith don't back down now, your going to find Dream and your not some child anymore, you can do this!"

I know that giving me self a pep talk probably wasn't going to help but I knew I had to do something to convince myself to get up and leave. I quickly stood up, and walked to my closet and threw on my olive green blouse, some black leggings, and my boots. I grabbed my blue jacket with the paper in the pocket and put it on quickly, as I quickly moved around my room I brushed through my almost caramel hair.

I quickly grabbed my backpack as I made my way downstairs, I didn't bother eating because I new my nerves wouldn't allow me to stand still. I knew that Patches would be able to get in and out through her cat flap in case she was thirsty or cold at night, so I didn't worry about her as I grabbed my book, my compass, and the locket from Dream, it wasn't anything special it was just a circular locket with roses and a picture of me and him in the inside.

As I walked to the door I grabbed my grey knit beanie and stopped as I opened the door, in my hand I held the key to my house along with the key to my portal. As I looked apon the room that I had so many memories inside I felt lost, for the first time in my life I was leaving my home, I was going to meet people... and possibly make some friends along my way.

It took everything in my power to turn and walk out that door. As I walked along the gravel path I remembered Dream, he would chase me along this path, and when he caught me he would turn and run the opposite direction pretending to try as he ran, he always let me catch him. I smiled sadly as I reached the portal, the very thing I had been afraid to ever walk through, I now stood before it, literally about to type in the code and do the very thing I told myself not to. "Come on... don't chicken out now! You've come so far just type in the bloody code ad walk through! What's the worst thing that could happen? They kill me on site and I never get to tell my brother I'm sorry?!" I knew in dreams world the residents had 3 canon lives.

~𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘴 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 ~ Awesamdude Where stories live. Discover now