Whos At Fault Here?

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⚠️TW⚠️ mentions of death, murder, self criticism, and ANGSTY BOII

8 days... it has been 8 days since Tommy got stuck in prison, Sam was always busy investigating what happened and basically giving half a stack of potato's every 2 minutes. What the meant for me is that I had to tend to Tommy's carrot farms and find other ways to occupy myself, a lot of the time I hug out with Tubbo, or Niki and puffy, and sometimes Ranboo. Tubbo had shown me the place he lived, called SnowChester, it was the coolest thing because it was frozen rain, something he called snow and it was super cold. I even met some new people, Eret, Fundy, and a really funny guy named Quackity, he tried to sell me a bag of white powder for 50 dollars, But Karl showed up and convinced me otherwise.

It was... eventful to say the least, Karl had even given me some books to read, and that's what I've been doing for the past hour, sitting in my hotel room reading. There was a light knock on my door and a familiar feminine voice "Hey Lilith can I come inside?" I hummed and looked for something to mark my book with "Yeah! Just gimme a second" I quickly got up to open the door and saw Puffy, she had a picnic basket in her hand "Hey I was wondering if we could hang out! Niki is doing things with Jack and I need a fun person to hang out with" she laughed nervously, I smiled and stepped back to let her in "Sure thing! What were you thinking of doing?"

"Well I was going to surprise Niki with lunch but she was testing things in SnowChester with Jack and Tubbo, so maybe we could enjoy them, I've also got some flowers so we could make flower crowns!" Puffy settled on the floor and started to pull some treats from the bakery, I sat across from her and helped her pull out some food. Once we settled everything nice and spread out we dug right into the food, "So how have you been Puffy? It's been a few days" she shrugged while eating a strawberry and hesitated before talking "oh you know, putting up posters about anti egg movements" I nodded thoughtfully "sorry Lilith, I know it's a touchy subject, cus, well y'know what happened to you" she grabbed my hand and smiled at me, I looked at the small scars curling up my wrist and on my left palm "It's ok Puffy, it was a learning experience for me I guess... plus now I am officially anti egg!" I we smiled at each other.

We ate the food quickly and Puffy insisted on doing my hair again, she said it would be simple this time, just a braid made from the top half of my hair with small flowered braided into it. "That doesn't sound simple but ok..." she laughed "Trust me it won't take more than 10 minutes" I made an 'mhm' sound and started to make a flower crown out of some of the wild flowers Puffy brought, "So you and Sam huh?" Puffy struck up a conversation to fill the somewhat comfortable silence.

"Huh? What do you mean me and Sam?" She continued working her hands through my hair "Aren't you guys like a thing? I mean from the way Tubbo talks about you guys it seems like it..." she started grabbing some flowers and sectioning off my hair "N-no! I mean... I don't think he likes me like that..." I felt my face burn at the thought "Ah, there it is" I cocked my head back "There's what?" The lightly laughed "I didn't hear you say you don't like him that way~ plus your ears are practically the shade of those strawberries we ate" I whined "Puffy we have already had this talk! I've already told you how I feel but you keep making a big deal out of it" I pulled my knees up to my chest. She just hummed "Because Lilith the way you talk about him, your like a love sick teen that just won't admit it" she mocked my whiny tone, I simply sighed and stared at one of the peony's in the pile of flowers

"He wouldn't like someone like me... I'm anti social, my brother is hated by every one here, and I'm like I child, it's just a matter of time before he gets sick of me" I felt tears well up in my eyes and quietly sniffed, Puffy finished braiding my hair and turned me around so she could wrap me in a sort of motherly hug, "Oh Lily, if he doesn't know all the things that make you an amazing person after spending just about 2 weeks with you, than Niki and I, will personally beat him up" I loved it when she called me Lily, it was a nickname she had given me over the course of the past week, it always made me feel loved and like she was my family that I never got to have.

I smiled and she pulled away placing one of the 2 flower crowns on top of my head, the other on hers "See there it is! The lovely smile that could light up a room!" I blushed "Alright alright I get it, I'm perfect and I don't need to prove that to anyone" we laughed and she patted my shoulder "Now your getting it! Anyways I gotta go Lily, but let's hang out again soon ok? I love having these little girl chats. Don't get me wrong, Tubbo is absolutely lovely company but he doesn't quite understand some girl problems" I laughed under my breath "Alright then, it really was nice having lunch, and thanks for doing my hair Puffy, I'll keep it nice as long as possible!" I helped Puffy put everything left over inside her basket, she left me a tall glass and the flowers for decoration in my temporary home, and said goodbye.

I sighed and shuffled back to my bed and flopped down grabbing my book again, and picked it up to continue reading where I left off, and I did get through another chapter before there was a very small knock on my door, I almost didn't hear it but I got up and answered the door anyways. I was surprised when I saw Sam, and as soon as I opened the door the air seemed thicker and there was something seriously off with Sams mood, something didn't feel right, I opened the door more "Come in..." he came in and didn't say a word he just stepped inside and stared out the window. I stood next to him awkwardly and folded my hands "W-what's wrong Sam... you haven't even said hi..." My voice was small, afraid to come off as rude, more so scared he would leave and I wouldn't know if he hated me or something else was wrong.

He again didn't speak, he just turned and wrapped his arms around me, burying his face into the crook of my neck "Hey- Sam what happened...? What's wrong?" I didn't dare pull away from him, I just gently wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my hand in his soft green hair, he still wouldn't say a word, he didn't have to, I sure as hell didn't expect him to, if he just wanted to stand here and hug me until he was sure he was ready to speak than that was fine. I knew something was definitely wrong when I felt a warm liquid seep into the shoulder of my shirt, I was to nervous to say anything.

I didn't know what was wrong because something had happened that led to this situation. He tightened his grip around my back and sniffed, lightly trembling as he lifted his face from my shoulder "H-he-" Sam tried to speak but stopped himself, "shhh it's ok... there's no rush, just take your time" I cooed gently, and swayed to the side, he just nodded and buried his face in my shoulder again.

We probably stood there for 15 minutes before we sat down on the side of my bed and Sam was finally able to speak, his face was red, but his expression was numb. "T-Tommy is dead Lilith... Dream murdered him in the prison, his last canon life is gone, he's not coming back" I stared in shock, "W-what? H-he's dead? And my b-brother killed him?" Sam didn't say anymore, just stood up and headed for the door "W-where are you going?" I stood up and walked behind him "Out." He said breathlessly I grabbed his wrist "Sam I don't think-" he turned and had a dark glare "You don't think what Lilith? You don't think I should leave and let other people know what your brother did" he said it like it was my fault... it felt like he was blaming me for my brothers actions.

"N-no I just think-" he yanked his hand from my grasp and held it up like he was going to hit me, like a reflex I flinched away and closed my eyes, like bracing for impact "D-did you just flinch... you thought I was going to hit you?" Sams tone was still harsh and cold, but he sounded hurt when he said it. "I-It was just a reflex.." he scoffed and left my room without another word, leaving me to grief by my self. I just sunk to the floor and curled up in a ball and started crying. Maybe it was my fault, maybe if I kept Dream in my world and convinced him to stay all those years ago, none of this would have happened. It was my fault.

A/N ALMOST 5k POGGGGGGG! Anyways angst pog? Tehe Sam is being a bitcchh~ sorry guys it's got ✨P L O T✨ anyways this might be the last chapter for the next few days bc I'm on a ROADTRIP ON AN INTERSTATE THATS PAVED WITH MEMORIESSSS! So yea but yk Tehe



Simple question today! What's your favorite color ✨🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣⚫️⚪️🟤✨

Mine personally is blue! Idk why I've just always loved the color blue!

Words 1760

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