Betrayal Sucks, Alot

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Tommy laughed "Glad we are on the same page Sam! Let me know when Sam-nook is going to be back!" Sam hummed "you got it kid" I heard Tommy exit, I heard Sam come over and sit on the edge of the bed and I sat stiff as a board "I don't know weather or not to apologize or tell you to screw off..." I suddenly felt his hand on my arm "Sorry Lilith, but you can't be trusted, it's just how these things work" he got up and I heard him walk around a little, before he left the house.

I waited several minutes before I sat up "oh my god, I have to get out of here!" I quickly stood up, walking over to my backpack, which sat by the furnace and put my belongings inside it, I decided I would leave what was left of my book, and walked outside. I grabbed my clothes and decided I would change into my clothes from yesterday day seeing as I was going to be diving again.

As I put away my things I thought about what I was going to do know 'Well hopefully I'll never have to talk to Awesamdude again, Lilith your just here to see Dream, just do that then go home, after all people are trying to lock you in prison unfairly' I nodded to myself as I threw my bag around my shoulders and took off out the door, heading in the direction me and Sam came from yesterday.

When I reached a part of the beach with foot prints leading out of the water I slipped off my socks and boots 'I am not getting those things wet again, takes forever to dry out' I set my bag next to my boots and waded into the water, I knew where me and Sam had landed was super deep, but at least the water was clear almost all the way down so if they were on the seafloor they would gleam in the light.

After 20 feet I got to a place were I had to actively kick to stay afloat and realized I must be getting closer. I turned and looked at shore "Alright now for the hard bit, actually diving and finding said keys" I took a deep breath and pulled myself underwater. It was cold and got darker the further I got down, when my hands touched the sandy bottom I opened my eyes ignoring the pain as I lightly hovered my hand along the bottom, so that I didn't disturb the sand.

I thought I saw something shiny but before I could check it my lungs started to burn, I quickly kicked up to the surface and let out a deep sigh "Ugh this is going to take forever!" I took another breath and dove back under, going to wear I saw the shine. I was able to find it again and quickly scooped it up and headed up for air again, I brushed the sand off the object to reveal a necklace. It had a emerald handing from the chain, "whoaa, that's really pretty" I clasped it around my neck and dove into the depths again 'Not what I want though'

After almost an hour of searching the sea floor I was about to give up when I saw something silver sticking out of the sand, I quickly swam over and brushed away the sand, finding 2 keys in pristine condition. I grabbed them, and made my way to the surface, cheering as my head breached the water "Wooho! Point Lilith! Suck off ocean!" I cheered and turned to swim to shore again "Alright now we have to find a realm portal and get the hell outta here" I reached land and walked over to my stuff. I decided to change, and like no one was at the beach so I just quickly threw on a dry shirt and some dry leggings.

I rang out my soaked clothes and laid them delicately over everything else in the bag 'they are relatively dry so it shouldn't be a problem' I took a dark hoodie I had, tied my shoulder length hair back and threw the hood over my head. As I grabbed my bag I started walking up the beach and into a wooded area "Well at least it's good cover, now I have to find that brick building again, or Ranboo and Ghostbur so they can help me"

As I walked I saw a huge building out in the ocean, it was made of a dark brick and had a few towers. 'Jesus, that must have taken forever to build' I walked along the shore line, there was a very modern house a bit further up the beach. It was made of courts and had fountains. "Maybe that place has a map, let's not get caught... that probably would prove Tommy's point more" I walked up behind the house, there was a hole in the back wall.

~𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘴 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 ~ Awesamdude Where stories live. Discover now