Christmas Day

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The entire cabin smelled like French toast and bacon. Or what had been French toast and bacon. It was Christmas morning, and Chester was up early, making double-dipped French toast, bacon, and coffee. They didn't have a tree at Forrest's second home in Redmond, Washington, but it didn't matter. All they had to do was look out the huge windows that encircled the entire house and they could see snow-topped trees everywhere.

Chester was just cleaning up the kitchen one last time, wiping down counters and humming to himself something that was kind of like Jingle Bells and kind of like Deck The Halls, while he waited for Mike. Cheese had to go out, and since Chester had done the cooking, Mike had volunteered to take the puppy on her after-breakfast walk. I hope they hurry. It's cold out there.

Chester stopped, his eyes ghosting out the windows at the falling snow and the morning sunshine that was trying to shine through it. They'd gotten to take their puppy out on a brisk walk the day before in the afternoon when it wasn't so cold. It was fun to watch her run around, but never getting too far away from them as they explored the parts of the forest that were closest to the cabin. But today would be too cold to do it again, and Chester was okay with that. Besides, they had presents to get to.

He left his wipe rag draped over the sink counter before he washed his hands and then headed over to the couch where the fireplace was. Sitting on the coffee table was a pile of packages. Chester had to laugh. Of the four wrapped gifts, two of them were for Cheese. Spoiled rotten dog, he scoffed lightly in his head as he examined the presents. Both of the ones he was giving were wrapped the same, in black shiny paper that had sparkly snowmen on them. The two presents Mike had wrapped were in blue paper with snowflakes. It was funny to think that even though they spent so much of their time together, and were almost living together, they had managed to keep separate wrapping paper.

Chester's attention zeroed in on the small box that was to him from Mike. He wanted to pick it up and shake it, but he resisted as he sat down on the couch instead. As soon as Mike and Cheese came back in, it would be time to open everything anyway. Cheese will love her stuffed mouse I got her. It matches her stuffed cheese toy. And she's a terrier. It's in her nature to want to chase mice and stuff. It made sense in Chester's head and he smiled at the present he was excited to give their puppy. The little gray mouse with big ears, holding a tiny piece of cheese would be one more toy she could chew on or chase down their hallway at home.

Just as his attention turned to Mike's present, the excitement doubling in his stomach, his boyfriend opened the door. Chester felt the instant chill as the wind outside followed them in. He got to his feet, looked over the double chairs, and smiled. Cheese had snow all over her. "She looks like she was rolling around in the snow!" he laughed as he rubbed his hands together. It was too cold to be in anything other than layers, and Chester had on his pink and black hoodie over his thick, New York jeans that actually did a good job keeping his legs warm.

"She's crazy!" Mike exclaimed, shaking his head. He knew there were snowflakes in his hair that would be melting quickly. "She's got too much energy with it being so cold. We're going to have to wear her out after presents." He slid his jacket off and hung it up, and started for the bedroom. "I'm going to grab a towel real quick. She'll be all wet and leaving a mess everywhere if I don't dry the snow off."

He didn't wait for Chester's approval, and Cheese didn't hang around by herself, either. She followed Mike into the bedroom and the bathroom, where he snagged a towel to dry off his hair. He scrubbed it over his hair quickly and then knelt down to the puppy. "You're so silly, Cheese," he told her as he toweled her off. "All that wet snow. Was it fun? Huh? Did you have fun outside?" Mike laughed as she wiggled all over and then ran away, out to find Chester. She's hyperactive. I think she's enjoyed being here as much as we have.

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