Coming Home

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Chester pulled his leopard print backpack out from under the seat in front of him before he stood up. He glanced across the aisle at Talinda and Forrest, and the other handful of first class passengers before his attention fell on Ryan, who hadn't gotten up yet. The long plane rides that had shuffled them from New York to L.A. had been exhausting. Partly because it was a lot of miles, but mostly because Ryan wasn't talking to him.

After their argument at the hotel last night, the morning had been a lot of hushed whispers of "it's fine, Chester" and "I don't want to talk about it". Chester knew Ryan was hurt and that it was his fault, but he didn't know how to fix it. He'd done his best to apologize, to say he was sorry for his harsh tone or look or whatever it was that had upset Ryan so badly the night before. Past that, he didn't know what else he could do. He knew he couldn't take back the line he'd drawn, and he didn't want to. His relationship with Mike was the healthiest it had been, maybe ever, and he wasn't going to do anything to jeopardize it, even though it was painful to be stonewalled by Ryan Shuck. Despite the decline in their time and communication over the months since Jason had left, this was ten times worse. All the way to New York they'd swallowed every second with each other - playing games, gossiping, talking fashion and teasing Talinda, the two of them giggling and trying not to laugh every time she would twist around and glare at them with her Tyrant death stare, only to smile and call them silly or ridiculous or pampered models that better shape up.

But none of that had existed on the way home. Instead, Chester's only company had been the music playing in his earbuds, even though Ryan was right beside him the whole time. Even when they had a layover in Chicago, and they'd all sat down to eat at one of the airport restaurants, Ryan had barely spoken to him. He just needs time, Chester reminded himself for the thousandth time that morning before he said, "Ry? You ready? It's our turn." He nodded toward Forrest and Talinda scooting out into the aisle to exit the plane.

"Yeah," Ryan answered in a deep, distant voice. He grabbed his black backpack as he stood up and swung it over his shoulder, barely missing smacking Chester in the face with it. He didn't even look as he stepped into the aisle to follow his boss to the door.

Chester felt his jaw shake, but he pushed back the tears. He was finally home, and he knew his loneliness was about to be over. He would get off the plane, find his luggage and then he'd see Mike. Sexy Boy is waiting for me. I know he wants to talk to me.

He wiped his hand over his eyes as he slowly stepped out and trailed behind Ryan, who was already so far ahead. Chester barely said thank you and goodbye to the stewardess at the door. His companions were already half way up the ramp. Ryan had long legs, and Talinda always walked like she had a motor on her ass. Forrest was on the phone immediately and it seemed to be helping his stride as he stayed with the others.

It was one more sinking feeling of being left out. Normally Ryan would stay behind, sticking close to Chester's side, even though his gait was smaller, his legs shorter. But none of them were waiting, and Chester bolted forward, running to catch up. He got there just in time to hear Forrest directing them where to go to get their luggage before he was back on his phone.

"Ryan," Talinda said, tugging his arm as they walked closely together and a good six feet away from Forrest, "are you coming straight home? We can share a cab."

"Yeah. I need to go home and drop my stuff. And I'm starving."

"Me, too," Talinda agreed as they weaved through the moving crowds of people. "We should go out tonight for dinner."

Chester was trying to keep up, trying to listen. He was hoping maybe he could add something to the conversation, anything to get Ryan to look at him, to acknowledge he was there, but he couldn't. They were going too fast, and people kept getting in the way. He only caught bits and pieces of what they were saying, and every time he did try to say something, he was cut off by one rude person after another, getting between him and Ryan and Talinda.

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