The Other Side

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Friday morning came quickly, and Chester was up early. There was so much to do before they could leave for Seattle. He stood in the kitchen, two fingers on his bottom lip as he pulled at his piercing, looking around. He'd packed a container full of banana nut muffins, and another one with homemade granola bars. Even though granola bars were easy to find pre-made in the stores, they couldn't hold a flame to Chester's, which were full of fresh ingredients and baked with care. He had a container of Cheese's favorite homemade treats too. She liked the ones with chicken and peas the best, and Chester had made a big batch the night before so she'd have plenty for the whole time they were away.

He twisted, his attention leaving the stack of see-through tupperware containers to the cooler. It was packed with ice, cans of soda, and sandwiches. He took the step over to it, flipping the lid back so he could see inside. He counted four sandwiches - two ham and cheese and two turkey and cheese. Each one was individually wrapped, and should last for the next six hours.

"Hmmmm," Chester hummed. He'd already made them breakfast, but he knew they would probably break into the other snacks on the way out of town. If they could hold off on the sandwiches till lunch, then that would be covered. We can stop and get a good dinner tonight, but muffins and sandwiches will be okay till then. It's better than most fast food options. And cheaper.

He shut the cooler, before twisting around. There were two other containers by the stove. One was full of the chocolate chip pecan cookies Mike had asked for, since all the Snickerdoodles were gone. And the other was full of chocolate chip M&M cookies. Ryan's favorite. He never showed up for the last ones I made. I'm going to get to hand him these.

Chester smiled. Even though his friend was hundreds of miles away, Chester was overjoyed that Ryan was no longer hanging around with Rob. No longer spending his days drinking. No longer shrugging life off, and that included his friendship with Chester. He was pretty sure that since Ryan's departure to Seattle, they'd talked more than they had in the last six months. Even though their daily conversations weren't extremely long, they were packed full of a healthy back and forth.

I just hope it lasts. He's so happy, and I know that's because of Jason. Jay seems happy, too. I don't think I've ever seen him like he is now. The memory of his texts and short conversations over the last week came to mind. The snooty asshole Jason had been while they lived together in the loft was nowhere to be seen. The Jason Chester communicated with now was Ryan's Jason. The sweet man with a kind heart who worked hard and loved Ryan Shuck endlessly. It was reassuring to Chester, and he was banking on that dynamic lasting. Ry talks like he's there forever. Like Seattle is his home now. He has no plans of coming back here. Ever. It's like they'd just decided they're together forever. Even after everything that happened.

Chester looked out of the kitchen into the living room. Their suitcases were already by the front door, along with all of Cheese's stuff. The little terrier had followed them around the apartment all morning, whining and worried when her bed and toys were packed up. They'd tried to explain it to her, that she was coming along with them, but they were pretty sure she didn't quite understand. When Mike strapped her into her harness a few minutes ago to take her out one last time before they all piled into the car, she was nervous. She'd refused to go out the door on her own, and Mike had to pick her up and carry her. She'll be okay after we get going. She likes riding in the car.

His shoulders slumped a little as he opened one of the lower cabinets and pulled out a brown paper shopping bag. He put the cookies in first, before the muffins and the granola bars. Ryan says they're really back together. Like, all the way. He doesn't have any doubts. At all. He completely trusts Jason. And Jason is definitely better. I see it, too, but still. I can't do that.

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