Room 602

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Mike shifted in his seat again, resisting the urge to look at his phone. He didn't usually keep his phone out during class, but he was more anxious than usual. The past few days had been odd, the dynamic between him and Chester off. Things were not back to normal after the other night, when he'd thoughtlessly put his hands around Chester's neck. His boyfriend had been sleeping in clothes for three nights now, and Mike had hardly slept at all. Without Chester tucked up next to him, he was restless and uncomfortable. It also didn't help that Cheese had been close to Chester for days, as though she knew something was off between them, and that Chester needed the extra love. Mike's heart hurt over the loss of physical contact from them both.

He looked up at his music history teacher for a moment, then back at his notebook. He was slumped over in the seat, hiding in his hoodie in the back of the lecture hall. It wasn't like Mike to not sit close to the front and pay attention, but he just didn't have it in him today. Worrying over Chester, and how to fix what he'd done three nights ago, was a top priority. The notebook page was full of small, dark doodles, and Mike sighed. He would have to spend extra time going over the information and listening to the recorded examples now, and that irritated him. He already spent enough time working on music history.

Mike finally gave in to temptation and picked up his phone again to check the time, and to see if Chester had texted him. Class was almost over, and there was enough time to meet up with his boyfriend for lunch before his next one. If he wants to. He's been so distant. I know his classes just started, and that's a change. But that's not the only thing bothering him, and he won't talk to me about it. He's not being mean. Just closed off. He held the phone behind his notebook and texted Chester.

Mike: Got time for lunch?

He left it face up on his notebook and tried to pay attention to the last ten minutes of the lecture. If Ches doesn't answer, I'm going to the cafeteria anyway. Not the library. Matt will be there, and he'll be bothering me. Mike had somehow managed to avoid Matt after theory, and he was not interested in explaining why he'd barely looked up and participated in class today. It's not any of his damn business, anyway, he thought stubbornly, his thoughts drifting back to Chester again. It's so silly to miss him, when he's right there. He's there, but he's not. I just want him to talk to me.

Mike sighed again, and the girl in the seat next to him looked his way. He didn't bother to acknowledge her. It was obvious he was annoying her, but class was almost over. He sucked his bottom lip in to chew on before he picked up his phone again. There was a message from Chester this time, and his heart skipped a beat.

Chester: I have time if you want to meet us at the cafeteria. Then I have to go to Score for a few hours.

The response brought an instant frown to Mike's face. Us? Who the fuck is us? He looked at the message again, but it didn't make any sense. And he's not supposed to be working today. I wonder what happened. He blew out another breath, and the girl next to him huffed in response. Mike rolled his eyes.

Mike: Oh, I didn't realize you were working. I have class anyway. But I'll meet you at the cafeteria for sure. Who's us?

Chester: Forrest texted, asked me to come in for a bit. Jordan's tagging along to eat. You said you wanted to meet him.

Mike leaned back in his chair. He's barely talking to me, but he's hanging out with this guy. That he doesn't even know. That he brought to our apartment. He did want to meet this guy, but not right now. Not when they had other things to talk about. All Mike wanted was a little bit of time with Chester, and now he had to share it with someone he didn't know. Historically, that never went well.

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