A New Home

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Mike stood dumbfounded, clutching the Vanilla Coke in one hand. Did he just hit on me? He shook his head and tried to get his thoughts in order. He knew Chester wasn't supposed to be spending every night at his apartment, but he really didn't think it was that big of a deal. But Matt made it sound like they'd kick me out if they knew. But why? Maybe because he's not paying to stay here. I should ask Matt, he seems to know. But if he was hitting on me, I don't want to encourage that. How awkward would that get? And he teaches my music theory class. I don't want him thinking I'm interested in him at all!

He started walking again, making his way down the hall with the soda. It wasn't going to do any good to worry about it now, and he certainly didn't want any of his conversation with Matt to ruin his evening with Chester. All of that conversation and the questions it brought up would have to be addressed later.

He opened the apartment door and stepped inside to the glorious smell of sizzling steaks and onion rings. "Got the Cokes," he said as he locked the front door, then walked over to the refrigerator. "If you want one you'll have to have ice. They won't be cold in time for dinner."

Like a magnet, Mike's hand was drawn to Chester's black and pink polka dotted ass. He lightly ran his hand over the panties before he stuffed the Cokes inside the fridge. A shiver ran down his spine when he felt the soft texture of the fabric over Chester's warm skin. "I can't wait for dessert," he husked, kissing the soft spot right behind Chester's ear before he stepped away, like a good boy.

Chester smiled the moment he felt Mike's hand on his ass. Memories of the last pair of panties he owned came rushing back, and the magical - and very sexy - time they'd had with them. The feel of being touched through the lacey fabric was very different from his regular underwear, and Chester was ready for more.

"I'm ready for dessert, too. But I want a Coke now." He turned away from the steaks. "Come on, Sexy Boy, pour me a glass?" He pulled his lip ring in and sucked on it, knowing that's where Mike's attention would go. Knowing it would get his boyfriend to do as he asked. "We've got about five minutes left," he stated, letting his tongue slide slowly over his piercing now. "And then the food is ready...and I'm thirsting to death."

Mike watched Chester for a moment, the way his little pink tongue moved over the lip ring and across his bottom lip. "You're killing me, Ches," he whined. His dick was definitely taking notice of everything Chester was doing, and dinner was the last thing on his mind - for once. He clenched his hands into fists to keep from reaching out for Chester and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "I want to toss you on the bed and have my way with you." Mike lifted his eyebrows as he tried to joke around. It only took two steps for Mike to get two glasses, and then another step back to the left to get ice and the Cokes. He popped the tops and poured the Coke over the ice, and then took three more steps over to the bar, plunking them down in front of the plates Chester had already set out. "I'll just sit over here and drool over you," he decided, folding his hands into his lap and trying not to squirm.

"Just a few more minutes and these are done," Chester assured him before he turned around and leaned his butt against the counter. He crossed his arms as he looked right at his boyfriend. He felt a little silly, standing in the kitchen in the sexy outfit that was meant for the bedroom. "I'll remember this night forever. The night I ate steak and onion rings while wearing lingerie," he snorted before he ran his hand down the side of the lacey boy shorts. It was tempting to touch himself, to adjust everything just a little, but Mike was watching him like a hawk. His lover's eyes were huge, like he was trying to take in as much of Chester as he physically could.

Chester smiled a little sheepishly Mike's way before he pushed himself from the counter and announced the steaks were done. He pulled the skillet from the heat, and quickly plopped both steaks onto their plates. "Don't touch," he ordered lightly. "They have to rest for a few minutes." He was back at the stove before Mike could say anything. He checked on the onion rings, and decided they were good to go, too. He pulled them out and set them on the stove top to cool before digging through the drawer that held the cooking utensils to find a good spatula to scoop the onion rings up with.

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