Chester's Assignment

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Chester walked into his Parenting class and plopped down. His leopard print backpack hit the floor as he leaned back in his seat. He'd made it through his first week of classes at USC, and he was feeling rather accomplished. So far he was successfully juggling college and an almost full time job. It was more than he ever thought he'd do in his life.

"You look happy," Jordan said as he watched Chester adjust his black framed glasses. All last week Chester seemed to be down about something, which Jordan knew had to do with Mike. Chester hadn't told him why, but he knew the couple wasn't getting along completely. But now, that troubled look on Chester's face was gone.

"It was a great weekend," Chester admitted as he leaned forward, his elbows on the blue desk while they waited for Mrs. Kitchens to start the class. "It was a make up sex weekend." He grinned before he could stop himself. He and Mike had stayed in bed most of the weekend, and activities had ranged from sweet love making to quickies and blow jobs. And this morning. I woke up to him humping me in his sleep! After an entire weekend of sex, and he was still wanting to go. It's my sexy ass. He can't get enough of it, he decided.

The early morning memory made the grin on Chester's face double in size. Before the alarm had gone off that morning, sometime before the sun was even up, Chester had felt his boyfriend pressing up against him, over and over. It was enough to wake Chester up to find Mike's hand gripped onto his hip as he humped him from behind. It was new, and even though it had startled Chester at first, it had only lasted a minute or so before Mike had settled back down. Chester was absolutely positive his lover had no idea what he was doing. It was kind of funny, and it was kind of sweet in Chester's mind. He hadn't told Mike about it, figuring it might embarrass his boyfriend, but to Chester it was a little exciting.

"Oh, I see," Jordan said, suddenly a little more interested. He sat forward to mimic Chester's pose. "I'm glad you two made up. Make up sex is the best part of fighting." He nudged Chester on the arm. He hadn't been given the details of what had been askew, but he was more than happy to see Chester with bright eyes and a giddy smile.

"We weren't really fighting," Chester told him with a shrug. "Just...there's stuff from our past that comes back up now and again, and it was not making things happy between us." He pulled his piercing in to suck on it. He really didn't want to say more than that. It was no one's business.

"The fuck?" Jordan hissed before he leaned closer. "Like, what? One of you cheat or something before? I used to have an ex like that. We never did really get over it, which is why he's an ex." He grit his teeth.

Chester felt his face go pale. It was eerie that Jordan would suggest that. Out of all the problems a serious couple could have, he brought up something that was in his and Mike's background. But this wasn't about that..

Chester dropped his eyes to the dull tabletop. "No, it didn't have anything to do with that."

The suddenly sad look on Chester's face made Jordan backpedal. "Well whatever it was, I'm glad you're doing better now, and you had the make up sex to prove it." He patted Chester lightly on his shoulder. Even though Chester had denied that cheating had been the reason, just his response told Jordan that it probably wasn't far from the truth. But he wasn't going to push it.

"Yeah. The sex is great," Chester had to say as he looked up. It was an old feeling he missed. For so many years he'd spent his life talking about sex every day, whether that was with Ryan or one of the other guys at YRS or with whoever he was trying to get into bed at the time. To go from that, to not really talking about it at all had been a massive change. It was something he missed. Sex usually wasn't a topic of conversation between him and Mike, it was an act. There was a difference.

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