•Fishing Chapter 4•

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So, yesterday wasn't the best of the best days for me, Jisoo didn't get that Jin isn't compatible for her but, me? Yes, I am! We look good together but, ever since I told her that thing that Jin wanted to tell her at the MMA's I don't regret it. Namjoon woke up with the biggest yawn ever going in to grab his phone-he got a notification from his daily agenda app. "Ugh, oh yeah I'm seeing Jennie today" Namjoon told himself with one hand on his phone and the other in his forehead. He got out of bed going to his dresser to grab a pair of pants and a clean shirt, "Found it!" Namjoon cried. Namjoon found his favourite platted shirt, Namjoon after, went through all of his drawers to find some casual pants. "Okay, found some pants that are looking pretty good" Namjoon said, He got all ready into his clean new clothes to head to Jennie's place. Namjoon headed out of his house and in his new clothes-towards his car outside. He grabbed the car keys and went straight to Jennie's, "I guess I'll turn up the radio!" Namjoon said happily. His's favourite song came on "Honee's Social Distancing" by Domo Anderson. Paak." He sang along with his favourite tunes-paying attention to the road, "Distancing..Ooh! Ooh! Ohh..Social!.." Namjoon sang out. Namjoon is a ok singer but, not the next level Justin Bieber. When about six more songs were done playing on the classy-newly year radio he finally got to Jennie's. He went foot by foot in Jennie steps in front of her beautiful and clean house then, knocked on the door politely. Jennie opened the door with delight to see Namjoon. "Hey! Namjoon" Jennie welcomed. "Hi, Jen Jen" Namjoon replied, Kennie brought Namjoon into her amazingly expensive-non-affordable home and sat down in her dining room. "So, what happening lately?!" Jennie asked, "I have been trying to clear up with me and Jisoo" Namjoon exclaimed to Jennie. "Your saying that like your ima relationship with her!" Jennie said spontaneously, "ok! Gosh.." Namjoon said carelessly. "To break it to you Jisoo isn't that sweet lovely girl, when she was younger she had a brown belt in karate" Jennie admitted to Namjoon. "Her strength has probably worn out..!" Namjoon thought and said to Jennie nicely. "STOP! You continuously think that Jisoo is nice and kind-sweetheart but, she's definitely not from experience working with that demon" Jennie exclaimed. Namjoon froze in shock to hear Jennie say all those stuff to call her a demon that's a little demon-like of Jennie. Namjoon left of despair and embarrassment, "wait!.. Namjoon I didn't mean what I said!" Jennie said, Namjoon couldn't hear her because he was just walking away to the front door to leave. "What does she know?" Namjoon asked himself, "She just has a doctor degree and brags about it". "What does she have a very bad history with Jisoo?" Namjoon asked himself. "Never mind she'll never tell me-WAIT I have a idea" Namjoon said with one eyebrow up and other not. Namjoon's idea was to go to Jisoo himself- dental office himself to find out-or ask Jisoo what happened. He had a different smile on his face like if he was going to rob the bank, He drove right to the dental office once again to confront Jisoo about Jennie Kim. "Ok! I'm finally here!" Namjoon said with a heavy breath, he saw Jisoo from the huge glass window as she looked away-reading her lips she said "Ugh, this guy again". "I need to calm down, don't act like Namjoon!" Namjoon committed. The door bell rang when he came in and quietly called Jisoo's beautiful name, "What! Are you doing to bother my customers again!" Jisoo cried. "Definitely not beautif-I mean no I am not doing that" Namjoon said in a strong sense. "Weird..okay! Come in my office" Jisoo advices and told Namjoon to do. Namjoon thought it was his chance to finally go in-but, if he wants to ask her hat question he needs to act like a man, "Ok! How may I help you? Again?" Jisoo asked. "Jennie doesn't like you, why? Tell me..please" Namjoon asked, Jisoo froze in shock why to remind her of the old days. Being silent, "Jennie..Jennie is only hired because Jin thought she'd be helpful, ever since we have disbanded life is helpless. I started a business to keep up, but, Jennie needed a Job, wait but, she decided to not be friends with me ever again she's a brat" Jisoo explained. Namjoon reached in to Jisoo's ear and lifted her hair behind it with a soft kiss on the cheek. He smirked, Jisoo blushed with her cheeked red. "Your such a..Play Boy!" Jisoo said laughing, "Yes, but, your definitely beautiful" Namjoon said in a soft tone. She went red, "Shush, now go" Jisoo said smiling slightly. Namjoon winked when he left with a huge smile on, "YES! YES! She finally got into me" Namjoon said. Now Namjoon is Mr, Playboy.

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