•Jisoo Pov Chapter 5•

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He's cute I guess but, not ideal, I'm over here trying to run a business with Jin, ten employees, and that Namjoon guy! Jisoo woke up from her daydream thinking how she's going to get ready for work. Jin ran into Jisoo's room with a happy mood, "Hey lovely!" Jin said. "Hey" Jisoo replied, "I am so tired today" Jisoo said with a smile, "you don't HAVE to go to work.." Jin told Jisoo. "Day off it is-I'm probably going to take a walk" Jisoo thought. Jin went out of Jisoo's room to get ready in a fancy outfit for work. "How about I get ready for my walk" Jisoo told herself, She went into her dresser and found a super athletic outfit with a cute light-blue bag. She put her hair into a cute french-braid, "Where's my keys.." Jisoo went looking for her grey coloured car keys all around her house. "Found them! I think Jin may have by accidentally stored them here" Jisoo giggled, She went out in her chill outfit getting ready to take a run. She went firstly to her near by South and saw a few outside food stores, but, in the middle of her walk she bumped into Namjoon the most ignorant person that Jisoo has ever met. "You" Jisoo said, "Hey beautiful!" Namjoon replied, "shush now! Like stop..I'm taken! Leave me alone already" Jisoo cried. "Well, I wanted to show you something pretty magnificent that I that saw earlier, Namjoon grabbed Jisoo's right hand and ran with her to his destination. "Where are you bringing me!" Jisoo asked, "Just follow me" Namjoon exclaimed, "Look" Namjoon showed Jisoo with beautiful lit up like a candle bridge,

 "Where are you bringing me!" Jisoo asked, "Just follow me" Namjoon exclaimed, "Look" Namjoon showed Jisoo with beautiful lit up like a candle bridge,

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"Oh wow this is delightful Namjoon.." Jisoo said while slowing down her voice. Jisoo has never really seen the soft nor nice side of Namjoon, Jisoo thought that he's not ignorant, foolish, and a uneducated weird guy. "Isn't it pretty?" Namjoon asked, "Very-I'm sorry" Jisoo told him, "Sorry for what dear?" Namjoon asked back, "One, don't call me dear and I'm sorry for saying all those rude things about you" Jisoo apologized. "It's okay it wasn't rude anyway" Namjoon smiled after Jisoo went in for a nice hug with her bag hanging in front her her, "Jisoo.." Namjoon cried with a soft tone. Jisoo thought about what's she's doing is it wrong or it is a good and nice thing to do?.. "Bye Namjoon" Jisoo said running away to go back home. She ran away with a watery eyes filled with despair and happiness, "I don't know" Jisoo whispered in her head. Jisoo ran off just thinking about only Namjoon. Of course Namjoon had to be cheering and thinking of planning a party for something so little obviously, Jisoo needed to go home quickly before Jin came home thinking about where she's been, "I should check if he's home" Jisoo thought. She pulled out her white cased phone going on to the 'Phone' app, Ding..Dock! Jisoo's phone went. She was glad he answered, "Hey Jin!" Jisoo said through her phone. "Hey! I'm having a longer shift and Jennie is slacking on the job" Jin told Jisoo, "That-oh she is!?" Jisoo said cheering her mind. Jisoo always wanted to have Jennie fired, Jisoo thought that if continuously slacks on the job Jin can fire her. One, Jin is the CEO of the whole entire job, so, it's Jin's decision to fire her. At the end of their call Jisoo smirked in happiness. She continued to walk back home hoping Jin wouldn't be there, she finally got there! "Ok!..lemme find my keys" Jisoo said quietly in front of her door step. She opened it smoothly waiting for her to get into her bed and watch her favourite show. "Finally" Jisoo said jumping onto her comfy bed, "I'm so tired.." Jisoo cried. She took one of her pillows and stuffed it into her face-she was hearing the front door opening slightly, Jisoo knew it was probably Jin but, he always comes in from the back door. Jisoo went to grab a broom and a water bottle-going closer and closer to the door and breathing heavily. The door opened and BANG! BOP! She hit Jennie on head-feeling sorry for what she did. "Your insane you manic!" Jennie cried, "I'm so-oh my I'm so sorry Jennie!" Jisoo apologized. "Your so dumb.." Jennie mentioned, "What! You literally work for my boyfriend i can get you fried just like this" Jisoo winked and snapped. Jennie froze thinking of what she had just said to Jisoo, "But, your the CEO" Jennie said. "But, Jin can still fire you" Jisoo reminded her, Jennie stormed out in blame. Jisoo giggled quietly being proud that Jennie came, But, why did Jennie come? The next day after that Jisoo didn't tell Jin what happened last night. What will Jennie do, (this chapter seems so short 🙃)

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