Whipped Times 2

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Austin's P.O.V

The sun was creeping through my blinds this morning. I was facing the wall. Watching the sun bleed through my blinds. But there's something on my mind. Her. The girl sleeping next to me. Rae Sparks. She's gorgeous. Don't believe me? Just look at her. She smart. She going to college and graduating in a couple months. She unique. She's an artist and a musician. She's.......perfect. Just perfect. I-I I don't want to say this, but I think I'm falling for her. I know it was only a couple hours, but I'm serious..

I turned over and looked at her. She looks so peaceful sleeping. I could get used to this. Waking up  What the fuck am I saying? Am.. a-am I falling for her? I think I am... her chest is slowly raising and falling. Her nose twitches. Which is completely adorable. She so sweet. 

"Austin you awake?" Alan asked poking his head in the room. I motioned for him to come in and be quiet. He came in and sat at the end of the bed. Cris-crossed.

"What's up?" I asked. For some reason i couldn't stop looking at her. She was so pretty. I don't get why she's single.

"Bro. I see the way you look at her. Your falling for her." Alan's words spoke like threats through my mind. I shook my head. I looked at him. He was smiling.

"Dude. I don't know why, but I think I am..." I sighed. "She's gorgeous. Smart. Sweet. Perfect."

"I can see with my own eyes." He laughed. "I suggest you make a move before I do." He laughed then left the room. I ploped back down on the bed and watched Rae sleep. Finally her eyes start to flutter open and she's awake now. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Good morning.." I smile.

"Morning." She giggles. "What time is  it?" She asks sitting up and stretching. I look over at the clock.


"I never get up this early..."

"Your kidding? Are you serious?" I question confused. She has to be kidding. I need to get up a 9 just to take my medicine. She's a college student. Doesn't she get up early every morning? 

"No. If your thinking 'She's a college student' I go in late every morning, because this is my last year. I can go in later or leave later." 

"Ohhh. I see. When do you graduate? May?" I asked.

"March." She smiles. God. Her smiles kills me. Why does it have to be perfect. Please? Tell me why it's so perfect. I wanna know.

 "Really? Wow. That's soon.. Do I get to go?" I decided to take out the puppy dog eyes and pop out the bottom lip. She looked at me and laughed. Then she hid her face in my pillow. She peaked her head out and squealed.

"Stop it!! It's too fucking cute!!" She laughed. I stopped and looked at her weird. She thought that was cute? Really?

"You thought that was cute?" I laughed.

"Yes. Not as cute as you in your tiger suits...I died when you had those on." She giggled.

"You died? Are you kidding me again?!" I questioned laughing a little.

"No. it was adorable. I mean seriously!!"

"Well, I'll wear it more often..." I smirked. She hit my shoulder playfully and smiled. There's goes that fucking smile again, and her laugh. Adorable. Someone kill me now...

"Can I take a shower?" She asked fidgeting with her hands.

"Yeah. I'll get you clothes and a towel." I smiled getting up. I pulled open my drawer and got out a tank-top with sweatpants and a pair of my boxer briefs. I handed them to her as she walked past me. I walked into my closet and got a towel, and put it in the bathroom. She walked in after me and turned on the water.

Flooding Ohio *Austin Carlile*Where stories live. Discover now