Cherrio Mate..

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"So you just got out of bed all by yourself?" Maddie questioned. I nodded.

"I didn't feel healthy.. I need air. I need a new start.." I sighed,

"Well this is a great one." She smiled widely pointing to my hair. We all laughed. 

"Rae we want you back as merch girl. The new chick doesn't do it right and she flirts with all of us.." Tino frowned. I raised an eyebrow.

"But I flirted with all of ya'll too.." 

"But you did it right.." Phil laughed. 

"Guys you know I can't go back. Austin broke my heart. Seeing him everyday would kill me.. plus I bet he doesn't want to see me anyways. He would flip hit if he knew I'd be back." 

"You know he doesn't have to know. Can you speak in British accent?" Alan asked smirking. I nodded smiling. 

"Oh bless your cotton socks!! How kind!" I spoke in my best British accent. They all clapped.

"Perfect. Do you still have your green color contacts?" Alan asked smirking again.

"Yeah?" It came out more like a question. he looked at everyone and smirked again.

"Alan what's your evil plan?" I sighed giving him a confused look.

"Well it looks like you my dear Violet; are our new merch girl." He smiled taking my hand and shaking it. "Welcome to America and our crew."

"Alan you're brilliant! This is glorious!!" I spoke in my British accent again. 

"Yeah I think you got me fooled." Shayley laughed. "He guys let's go get Starbucks.." 

"Yeah! Coffee!" Phil cheered.

"How about ya'll go while I go put in the contacts and act like "Violet".." I smiled. They nodded eagerly. I laughed a they walked to the door. Maddie turned to me.

"You still like your usual right?" She smiled. I made the biggest grin ever; from ear to ear.

"You remembered!' I exclaimed. She laughed and nodded.

"How could I not forget?" She laughed exiting the apartment. I ran into my bathroom and put in the contacts. I looked good with green eyes. I smiled and fixed my hair. I heard a phone ringing. it wasn't mine. I ran into the living room to investigate; it was Alan's phone. I picked it up and hit answer with no problem. I didn't even look at the caller I.D; I figured it was him calling from Tino's phone or something telling me he left it here. 

Oh boy was I wrong.

"Hey Alan. When will you be back home?" The voice spoke so kindly I knew it immediately. Austin. British accent Rae. British.

"Oh no I'm quite sorry mate. Alan left his phone on my couch when he ran out to get something." 

"Oh? I didn't realize he was with a girl. A British one at that." 

"He met up with me for a meeting for something important. I don't know; he's bloody crazy." I laughed. I wanted to cry so bad. I haven't heard his voice in so long. it's perfection. 

"He really is.. what's your name by the way?"

"Violet. Violet White." 

"Well Violet. I guess I'll be seeing you alot since you're working with Alan on something." He sighed. "Tell him I called please?"

"Will do." 

"Bye Violet.."

"Cherrio mate." I hit the 'end call' button and threw his phone across the room. That did not just happen. No It couldn't of. All of sudden my door opened and in came the laughing group of friends that left 15 minutes ago.

"Here you go Violet." Maddie smiled. i laughed nervously. She shot me a confused look.

"What's wrong?" She questioned; obviously worried.

"And why is my phone all the way across the room?" Alan questioned picking it up.

"A-Austin called and I p=picked it u-up."  I sighed. "I became Violet for 3 minutes.. I was on the bridge of tears guys." 

"Rae don't worry he doesn't know were all here." Aaron smiled. "It will all be fine."

"Alright I guess you're right." 

"I'm going to call him back.. tell about you becoming the new merch girl."

He dialed his number and put it on speaker. It rang 3 times before Austin picked it up. 

"Hey man you called?" Alan asked.

"Yeah I wondered when you'd be home so I called and then a girl with a british accent answered." he laughed. "She sounded pretty." 

I covered my mouth to keep myself from gasping. Alan laughed at me. 

"Yeah dude she's gorgeous." Alan laughed. "But speaking of her I wanted to know if she could be the new merch girl? Our's doesn't do it right.." 

"Yeah man. Violet sounds perfect for it. I'll call Kelly and tell her to un-pack; and tell Violet to start packing we leave in 2 days."  

"Great. I'll be home within the next hour. Gotta get Maddie to the airport."

"Alright see ya mat- I mean bye Alan." Austin laughed. Alan laughed and hung up.

"Get packing Violet. You're going on tour again." Phil smiled hugging me.


Pkay.. so next chapter back to normal. So get ready~ cx Tell me what ya'll think? 

I need opinions~ c:
Love ya'll

~Loe <3333

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