This Isn't Healthy..

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3 months later.. 

i've been sitting in this bed for three months. I haven't left my room at all. I haven't taken off thay big t-shirt. I haven't washed off my makeup; which is matted in my hair with tears. I haven't stop thinking about Austin. He's always on my mind. I can't get him off of it. it's a habit I won't lose.

After he broke up with me, he hasn't had Alan get his stuff. Or anyone. Like he doesn't care. I mean mostly all of his stuff is here. Half his clothes. Half his shoes. Half of everything. I don't think I can look at it anymore. 

"That's it." I spat sitting up. "I can't do this to myself.."  I sighed looking at my clock. It's 6:30 at night. I tore off the covers and flipped my feet and legs over the edge of my bed. I got up; in the process I shivered. The floor was colder that I remembered. I walked into my bathroom and looked at myself. 

"Eww.. holy shit I let myself go.." I turned on the shower and peeled off the t-shirt; and everything underneath. "This isn't healthy.." I sighed. I grabbed a makeup wipe and scrubbed every inch of my face. I jumped into the shower and wash my body clean. Washed and detangled my matted hair. Shaved. That's an important step. 

I got out and looked at myself in the mirror and smiled a real smile. Something I haven't done in a while. I walked out and got changed. I put on leggings and my "You Can't Twerk With Us" tank. I blow dried my hair that has grown alot. Put on new makeup and grabbed my car keys, Toms, and my purse. 

As I got into my car I sighed.

"I need a new look." 

I drove off to the hair salon. I decided I needed a new hair color. Something pretty. Something I can handle. Like purple. Yeah purple will do. I pulled up and signed into the sheet. The lady smile once she said my name. 

She guided me to the black, leather chair. I sat down as she put the gray cape on top of me. The women must of been in her late 60's. She had gorgeous hazelnut brown hair. 

"So sweetie what can I do for you today?" She smiled. 

"I need a new look.."

"So new color? New style?"

"New color.. what about a royal purple?" I smiled asking her opinion. Her eyes lit up. She smiled ear to ear.

"Yes! You have the spunk for that for sure!! Let me go get the color.." She smiled. I laughed as she walked away. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked at the caller I.D. 

Alan Catsby c: 

"Hey Alan." I said brightly.

"Oh someones happy.. what happened?" 

"I guess you could say that.."

"Rae that's great I'm coming over in about a hour or two. Time to get you out of that bed and in that shower." He laughed.

"Whatever Ashby. Bye." 

"Tootles beautiful." I could hear his smirk on the other end.

The woman came back with the dye/bleach all in one dye. She applied in it layers. Told me to wait 45 minutes. I did as she obeyed. She talked to me the whole time.

"Married 45 years huh?" I smiled. 

"Yeah.. I love him to death. We've been through thick and thin but I love him." She smiled thinking about him. "What about you? Any guys?" She winked. 

"I just got out of a relationship 3 months ago.. We were together for 3 years. He.. uh.. cheated on me.." I frowned she gasped.

"How can someone cheat on someone as pretty as you?!" 

"Oh you're too kind." I smiled a forced smiled. 

"Do you still love him?" 


"You remind me of someone I once knew.." She smiled.

"Who? if you don't mind me asking.."

"Myself when I was your age. My husband; at the time he was my boyfriend. He cheated on me as well. Broke my heart into little pieces. But he came running back after I made contact with his friends. maybe.. a year and a half after." She smiled.

"We've been together ever since. No cheating. No bullshit. No nothing. Just love.. You still have a chance. Only a year and 3 months left darling." She winked. I laughed.

"Really think so?"

"I know so." she laughed. "Now lets get this out of your hair and get you on your way!!" 

She washed and blow dried my hair for me. It looked gorgeous. A royal purple cascades down my back. I squealed and hugged her.

"Thank you so much..I love it." 

"It looks gorgeous on you sweetie. Come back when you need a touch up." I went to hand her my credit card but she pushed it away. I gave her a confused look.

"It's on me. You needed it." She smiled. "Have a nice day Sweetie." 

"Thank you so much. You too ma'am." I returned the gesture returning to my car. I drove home and went into my apartment. My hair was pretty, the hair stylist made my day, I got out of bed by myself, and I have a chance at a new life. 

But Austin was still on my mind.

"Knock knock.." I heard a voice say from behind me. There in my doorway stood Alan, Maddie, Phil, Tino, Shayley, and Aaron. All of them had shocked expressions on their face.

"Rae.. you're up?" Alan's statement came out like a question.

"And you have purple hair!! Oh my god Rae it's gorgeous.." Maddie squeaked running in hugging me. They all joined in.

"It's good to have you back Rae.." Phil smiled.

"I'm not back yet though; you'll know when I am.." I smiled. 



Rae's hair color in sidebar ----> 

~Loe <33

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