Chapter 2

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Y/n's shoes tapped on the sidewalk as she ran to catch up to the elf-eared boy.

"Hey, Tamaki!" Y/n smiled and let out a huff as she slowed down.

"Good morning." He muttered out, his eyes glued to the sidewalk as usual.

"Morning!" Y/n nodded. She was wearing the scarf she had retrieved from his house the day before.
"I was thinking..." y/n spoke, her voice holding a curious tone.
"After the presentation today... we could get ice cream?" She offered.
"I know it's getting cold but... does ice cream sound nice?" She tilted her head. Tamaki was silent for a while before he gave her a little nod.
"Yeah?" Y/n asked just to make sure she'd read him right.

"Yes." Tamaki nodded.
"Is Mirio coming?" Tamaki kicked a small rock off the sidewalk.

"I-I kinda thought this could be like... a you-and-me thing!" Y/n rubbed the back of her neck.
"You know... like a treat for... public speaking?" She let out a small laugh.

"Oh." Tamaki's breath was visible in the cold air.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Y/n smiled as she tilted her head at him.

"N-no... I'll go." He glanced at y/n from under his dark, indigo bangs.

"Great!" Y/n beamed.
"Ah! Here, let me..." she stepped forward quickly to open the doors to the UA building. Their shoes clicked as they walked up the stairs.

"Oh my gosh Tamaki, hey!" A familiar, airy voice spoke out from above them.

"N-Nejire don't lean over the railing like that!" Tamaki's voice shook as he looked up the next flight of stairs.

Once on the next floor, Nejire grinned happily.

"Tamaki are you still open to help me with this years' design? For the beauty pageant?" Nejire asked, tilting her head slightly.
"You said you'd come in today after school." She tapped her chin as she looked up at the ceiling

"O-oh... right..." Tamaki's eyes went a little wide. He'd forgotten about helping with the design. He's gotten so caught up in y/n's offer...
"I'm... sorry, y/n..." he looked to her with a guilty expression.

"Oh no! It's totally fine!" Y/n shook her head.
"I could... go get ice cream and bring it here...?" She offered.
"Would that be ok?" Y/n looked to Nejire.

"Oh my gosh... do you wanna work on the design too??" Nejire smiled widely.
"Please tell me you'll join!" Nejire rushed over to y/n and clutched her hands in hers.

"I-I'd love to! Yeah, I can!" Y/n nodded, feeling a bit shy at Nejire's closeness.

"Eeee! So fun!" Nejire giggled.
"Ok ok! I'll see you after school!" She waved to Tamaki and y/n.

"I forgot... sorry I..." Tamaki mumbled.
"Even if I had remembered I wouldn't have
had the heart to decline..." he said, almost to himself based on the quietness of the sentence.

"You don't need to apologize, Tamaki!" Y/n giggled.
"Let's head to class ok? Before we're late!"

"Hey... I brought the ice cream." Y/n smiled as she slid open the door with her hip.
"I got some for you too, Nejire." Y/n set down three paper bowls on a desk in the empty classroom they were borrowing.

"Ooo! Thank you!" Nejire walked over and chose a little bowl.
"By the way..." she said as she took a bite of the ice cream and placed the little spoon back into the paper bowl.
"How did your guys' presentation go...? Mirio told me about it."

"It went well." Y/n walked a bowl over to Tamaki, who took it with a small nod and a hushed 'thank you'.
"I think Tamaki almost passed out but he's ok now." Y/n giggled.

"Haha! That's Tamaki!" Nejire laughed.
"Thank you for coming in! Usually, we have more people in here planning but... I think everyone's studying tonight for a test." The blue-haired girl said as she looked up at the ceiling.

"Yeah! I'd love to help." Y/n swallowed a bite of her ice cream.
"So when's the pageant again?" Y/n asked, looking down at her bowl as she moved the ice cream around with her spoon.

"We've got two months to prepare," Nejire said as she took another bite of the cool treat.

"Oh, that's good. That should be enough then to prepare." Y/n nodded.
"You participate in these things every year, don't you Nejire...?" Y/n spoke as if she was recalling something.

"Yep!" Nejire sat down on a desk, her legs swinging happily.

"Nejire's really good. She's always number two in the pageants... but there's always the same person who bests her." Tamaki explained softly.

"Who bests her...?" Y/n asked curiously. Nejire was a very pretty girl in y/n's opinion. She was kind as well... so who was beating Nejire, y/n wondered.

"Bibimi Kenranzaki," Tamaki said as he looked down at his ice cream.

"Pffft, what a name." Y/n laughed, her eyes looking to Nejire, who seemed to be lost in thought as she looked through the clothing on the racks near the back of the classroom.
"So how'd she lose...?" A curious look spread onto y/n's face as she tilted her head.

"Last year Nejire's appeal was more 'cute'... Bibimi has always been a flashy character..." he seemed to mumble off for a moment.
"This year I think we should go for something flashy..."

"Ooo! Flashy sounds fun!" Nejire smiled as she walked back to them, setting her empty ice cream bowl down on a table.

"That's a good idea... that way Nejire's chances of beating Bibimi are higher." Y/n nodded.

"This is my last year to win the pageant..." Nejire flashed a bright smile.
"So I'm super determined to win."

Y/n smiled at Nejire's determination.
"We'll help you win, Nejire." Y/n nodded.
"Right, Tamaki?" She turned her head, looking back at the dark-haired boy. Tamaki nodded quickly, his posture straightening just slightly.

"Of course!"

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